How do I change the iTunes account (my work email account) that my personal iPad is synced to to my home email iTunes account? I'm lost... any help would be great. Thanks
Yes iTune says it all.
No one can figure out that iTune Jail except maybe Mr. Jobs.
And don't waste your time looking for an answer in the user guide. You wouldn't find anything there. What you can do , is to simply copy the all iTune directory that you have at work, and duplicate it at your home PC, and sync.
(Good reason why never sync books, song and photos - save space)
I did the same thing at home, move all the iTune files from the PC to my Laptop.
Point is on both of them I am having the same Apple account.
And since it is the same iPAD , so I assume all applications are somehow signed internaly with you iPAD serial number, so it should be easy to change and move.