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Cloud based GPS tracking app


iPF Noob
May 12, 2013
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We are appliance repair company and have 10 tech operating in the city(each carry his personal company IPAD)
We are looking for GPS tracking app which will report location of each of our techs. So that we can access this data online and see location for all of them - so when we have the job we can assign it to the nearest one.

So far we found followmee.com, but don't see to much feedback on it.

Any ideas?

We are appliance repair company and have 10 tech operating in the city(each carry his personal company IPAD)
We are looking for GPS tracking app which will report location of each of our techs. So that we can access this data online and see location for all of them - so when we have the job we can assign it to the nearest one.

So far we found followmee.com, but don't see to much feedback on it.

Any ideas?

Have you tried the find my iPhone app. It's free and will give you the location of all your company iPads, assuming they are all on the same Apple ID.

MotionX GPS also has reporting built in. It can send an email automatically reporting its position. I'll have a look at the options when I can get to my iPad.
Find my Friends would be a better choice than Find My iPhone (which needs the iPhone/iPad user's Apple ID to find it).

This is also a free Apple app. It works by invites and permissions given by each iPad, and so does not require the person to give out their Apple ID.
Find my Friends would be a better choice than Find My iPhone (which needs the iPhone/iPad user's Apple ID to find it).
This is also a free Apple app. It works by invites and permissions given by each iPad, and so does not require the person to give out their Apple ID.
twerppoet thank you for your suggestion! I might end up with this one...

However seems like:
1. It doesn't have 'history' = doesn't show last location let say if one of my tech is in the subway, i would like to see his last point when the signal was on.
2. Most importantly - it doesn't have the online reporting url. I need all the data be accessible on dispatchers PC. Let say you go to WWWmyfriends()com/id893 and see all locations of the people(techs in my case)

Any more ideas?

Thank you guys!
Afraid I don't know of any other apps for what you want. There are some exercise tracking apps, but they wouldn't be quite what you want either, and they are really hard on the battery if used more than a couple hours at a time.

It seems likely that what you want exists, but it's not something I've researched myself or happened to hear about.

Hm, come to think of it Waze, a GPS navigation app has the ability to let you know where friends are. I don't know about history and such, but it might be worth looking at.

I believe friend tracking requires everyone to have a FaceBook account.
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Take a look at Vismo. This is an iPhone and iPad Tracking app which will allow you to track and view the current and historical locations of all your mobile devices. In addition, you can create geo-fence areas and get alerts when they move into and out of them. Download it from the app store and give it a whirl - you get a 7 day free trial.

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