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Concerned about upgrading my IPad 2. Should I be?

We have an IPad 2 MC769LL/A which I believe has 16 GB of memory. Other than FaceTime I primarily use this device for Facebook and perhaps to play a little solitaire or blackjack. We are currently running IOS 7.1.2 and when IOS 8 came out there were heard horror stories about the IPad 2 failing to upgrade or if it did upgrade it ran like a slug. So, because of all of the bad news we were hearing we never tried to upgrade to any newer versions of IOS 8.x out of fear.

Now Apple is coming out with IOS 9 and we're wondering if we should stay on IOS 7 forever, take a chance and upgrade to IOS 8 or wait for IOS 9? If we should wait for IOS 9 can we simply skip IOS 8 and if so should we upgrade to IOS 9 right away or wait and see on that version for a while too?. Can anyone advice me on what to do? My husband primarily takes care of updating this device but he more of a Windows geek. I'll be honest I'm technically challenged and the only thing I could do is OK and approve the update but if there's a problem we're both in in big trouble. Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I would wait to see how iOS 9 behaves with the iPad 2 when it comes out. It sounds like you are happy with thte way your iPad is performing as is and have no need to upgrade to iOS 8. iOS 8 is more stable now but still is slower on the iPad 2 than iOS 7 would be.
I understand your concern. However, for what it's worth, I've had no issue with iOS 8 and it's worked great. I have a very bad habit of wading in and upgrading without waiting to see how others fare. I at least do a back up before jumping in to the deep end!
I guess I see no reason to given what you use it for.

I am sorry to say but doing a back up does not back up an older operating system, just apps and data. If an OS goes haywire, a back up will not help.
I guess I see no reason to given what you use it for.

I am sorry to say but doing a back up does not back up an older operating system, just apps and data. If an OS goes haywire, a back up will not help.
It does mean that you won't lose your data if you have to restore the iPad because of issues with the operating system.
Hello MickeyFromPace - you've already received some excellent advice - I replaced my iPad 2 in December w/ an iPad Air 2, which will be able to take advantage of all of the new iOS 9 features - now, I did upgrade my iPad 2 (32GB) to iOS 8 last fall w/o an issue, so certainly possible in your situation to migrate to that version.

Now, whether you will want to then go to iOS 9 (or directly, if feasible) is a more important decision because of the many new features of the upcoming release that may not be supported on the 2011 iPad 2 - below is a PC Mag Article of some of the new features of iOS 9 (which I've summarized below) - now, I'm really looking forward to the 'split-screen multitasking', but this will not work on your iDevice; so, you might want to peruse the list, decide if these are features you want, and then wait for advice as to how many can be implemented on the iPad 2 - from your description, you may be perfectly happy w/ iOS 7 or possibly iOS 8 - if you want all of the items listed below, then start saving up for an iPad Air 2 - Dave :)

  1. Split-screen multitasking on iPad.
  2. Intelligence - better search & suggestions.
  3. Transit directions in Apple Maps.
  4. Security - six digit passcode in iOS 9.
  5. Wallet - renamed Apple Passbook - more cards.
  6. Notes - features added; sync to iCloud all devices.
  7. New apps, e.g. News replaces Newsstand.
  8. CarPlay - better in car integration.
  9. Smaller updates, e.g. 1.3GB for iOS 9.
  10. Compatibility w/ older hardware.
  11. Android transfer made easier.
I don't see any difference in the performance of my iPad 2 when it was running iOS 7 and iOS 8. It works fine, and I expect that Apple learned from what happened with iPhone 4 when iOS 7 was released.
I upgraded my ipad 2 to ios 8.4 and have no problem. feels the same :) no regrets, it seems to be faster now loading pages in safari.
I would wait to see how iOS 9 behaves with the iPad 2 when it comes out. It sounds like you are happy with thte way your iPad is performing as is and have no need to upgrade to iOS 8. iOS 8 is more stable now but still is slower on the iPad 2 than iOS 7 would be.

Thanks to all who commented. I thought that I read somewhere where Apple has really worked on this issue in IOS 9. I've heard that the installation footprint is smaller and they've created some method by which they will remove applications from the device t allow sufficient room for the upgrade and then put the applications back after IOS 9 is installed. After what I read regarding early problems with IOS 8 I think I'm going to ride on the fence for a while and see how stable IOS 9 is before making the jump. Once I read that the shakeout is more or less over then I'll jump in. Again, that's to all that posted on this thread.
Thanks to all who commented. I thought that I read somewhere where Apple has really worked on this issue in IOS 9. I've heard that the installation footprint is smaller and they've created some method by which they will remove applications from the device t allow sufficient room for the upgrade and then put the applications back after IOS 9 is installed. After what I read regarding early problems with IOS 8 I think I'm going to ride on the fence for a while and see how stable IOS 9 is before making the jump. Once I read that the shakeout is more or less over then I'll jump in. Again, that's to all that posted on this thread.

If you don't need or want the new features in iOS 8, then that's a very reasonable choice for an iPad 2 owner.
I asked a similar question without seeing this thread and this does a good job of answering it. I did a search and didn't see it here .... So I asked it in the general forum...
I am on 7.something and am just staying there. When 9 comes out and I see if they have bugs and fix them then I will change. Thanks from here too.
It works fine as it is and I don't need problems like the guy in another thread that takes him 5 seconds between typing letters.

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