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Connecting a second ipad to home computer


iPF Noob
Hi, we have a second iPad 2, in which I believe that I will need to connect to a pc with iTunes to get it started. Can you connect a second iPad to the same computer and iTunes?

If so is there anything special I need to do? Or can I start using the iPad 2 without connecting and use iTunes store via the device (iPad 2).
You have to activate an iPad with iTunes. At least for now, on iOS 4.x.

However, you can use the same computer/iTunes that you're presently using with the other iPad. iTunes will know enough to keep the two devices separate.

For example, I have two iPads on my iTunes account. One is my iPad1, the other is my mom's iPad2. I have iTunes set so that it doesn't automatically sync anything when I plug either iPad in. So, I can keep the apps separate (all my mom really wants is her word games). So, that's all she really has on hers.

The point is that when I plug hers in, iTunes recognizes it as hers (and the same for when I plug mine in). Makes life much easier, IMNSHO, having one iTunes/iTunes account to handle the iPads.

Hope this helps. Good luck and enjoy those iPads!

Thanks Mickey, that is exactly what our 2nd one is form. My Mum and she willprobably use it for teh same thing (Word Games) LoL. So do I need to chaneg to any settings in Itunes to be able to do this or do I just connect to the PC and Itunes has enough smarts to do it automatically and recognise them both as different?
ITunes will know the difference. I've named my mom's iPas "Mom'siPad" (snicker...). When I connect it to iTunes, that's what shows up in the left bar.I don't let iTunes automatically sync, so iTunes doesn't do anything with her iPad until I tell it to. Given that she only has about 2) apps on it, all I really do with hers is run a backup every now and then. So, you should be fine.Marilyn
Hi, I'm really new here (just posted an intro post) but thought I'd jump in with another suggestion. This is not just for two iPads on the same computer but for multiple iDevices (I also have an iphone4).

If one device has hardly any apps, that's not too hard to handle, but I have about 200 apps on my iPad and over 100 on the iphone, many of which don't overlap. You may run into a problem with the "sync new apps" setting if you download frequently on either device. It will start syncing (or trying to) any new apps you put on device1 onto device2 and vice versa. It can rapidly turn into an utter nightmare where you'll have to go through the whole list and uncheck any "new app" from the last time you connected device1 so it doesn't go to device2.

On a pc the only easy and foolproof solution I've found for this is to create a new login. So I have one called "iPad" which I only use for syncing the iPad, and my main one for the iPhone. iTunes can import music from your other login so you won't lose it. This may not apply to your situation as much but if you're an app addict and power user on both devices like me, it's the only solution I've found to eliminate total confusion & time wasting selections after each time you sync. Although I just don't bother to sync at all anymore but that's because my old computer sucks that much. 
That's a really helpful link for anyone who wants to keep multiple devices in sync with the same apps. For keeping different and separate apps on devices you'll just need to make sure you go through the apps list. I think it's very much a YMMV situation based on how you use the device and the app store. I've downloaded over 1500 apps since I got my first iphone in 2009 and have about 600 in my library, so going through that list is just a nightmare.

With iOS5 I'm hoping for a lot about that situation to improve. It's already a lot easier to see what apps you've actually bought under the "purchased" tab on the iphone. I don't know why Apple won't list INSTALL instead of the price for the iphone app store like they do for the iPad.
Ah, but you missed my main point - I don't let my iTunes sync with either of the iPads. I choose when and what to put on each iPad (and I have over 400+ apps in iTunes, 150+ on my iPad1 and about 30-ish on my mom's iPad2). If you don't sync, you won't ever have to worry about getting them mixed up - and I don't.

As a general rule, apps get loaded onto either iPad via the App Store (from/on the iPad). Then, all I do with iTunes is "transfer purchases" and then do a backup. Don't really trust iTunes to not mess it up, TBH. I do it, mainly, to avoid the confusion you describe, glittergirl.

That's my method, so of course (and as always) YMMV.

Ah, I understand now upon re-reading. :) Yes, I've pretty much done the same thing in the past few months - disable automatic sync, check manually manage music, and uncheck sync for every single other option as well. I think that iTunes should actually default more this way than default to "hi I see you're on a new computer so I will give you not-that-helpful popup explanations and proceed to wipe everything you hold dear from your device." For newbies, that SUCKS. I wiped my whole phone the first time I updated the OS at work back in my newbie pre-JB days.

The multiple login thing can work well for a person or family who does most of their downloading on a computer, but I do all of mine OTA, with the transfer purchases method you mention every few weeks just in case something I have gets yanked from the store. Really glad I did that with the official GrooveShark app store app, for example. It was only there for a week or so. The JB version is o much more advanced and improved now, but at least if at some future point I can't JB for a while I at least won't lose the service. Although I have to say that Google Music even through Safari is pretty awesome with the way it's integrated with native music controls, but that just works with your own uploaded music unlike GrooveShark. Back to topic, I'm so happy that Apple's moving away from being so tied to computers for device management, although there are some decent partial workarounds.
Yes, unless you want identical apps and content on all your devices, unchecking auto-synch is efficient. The content on each of my iDevices varies, but they're all tied to the same account, which has hundreds of apps that I don't auto-synch. Many apps I "buy" for free just in case I might want them later, when the developer might be charging or have removed from the app store.
Hi, Thanks for all you feedback.

What I have done is hooked up the 2nd IPAD to the same Itunes account I have and called the device another name (ie Mums Ipad). I also unchecked sync apps automatically which is all good.

I have however come across a small problem and maybe have done something wrong. WHen I went to select the apps I wanted to syn to "Mums Ipad" I checked the boxes next to teh apps and then hit apply in the bottom right hand corner of itunes. The message at tehtop of teh screen said syncing apps and the apps appeared on the Ipad as expected. The issue that is occuring is that when i slect one of these apps on the Ipad now it looks as though it wants to start, then the screen goes blank for about half a second and then I am page on the page showing all the apps.

This happens for all the apps I have just sync'd. The apps that the device comes pre loaded with are all ok and open fine. Has anybody come acrosss this before?
Sometimes, it takes a bit for the iPad to "digest" newly loaded apps - especially if you put a whole bunch on at once (like you would if you sync from iTunes).

So, try the olde standard "fix"- either a restart or a reset (or both):

Restart: Hold down the power button until the power off slider appears. Slide it off. When the iPad finishes shutting down, hold down the power button again until the Apple logo appears.

Hold both the power and home buttons until the screen goes dark and the Apple logo then appears (the slide to unlock screen may or may not appear). Once the logo appears, release the buttons. After a time, your homescreen will appear. Please note that it may take some time for the Apple logo to appear or for your homescreen to appear (or both). This is normal. Eventually, the homescreen will appear.

If that doesn't work, let us know. Else, let us know how you get on. Good luck.


You are an absolute Star! It worked using the "Restart" Option. Thanks again for getting back so quickly with a solution.
Glad it worked for you! Always glad to hear positive feedback!

Hope your Mum likes her iPad as much as mine likes hers. She was very hesitant at the start when I gave it to her. Now? Heh. You couldn't pry it from her hands! :D

Enjoy the forums.


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