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connecting my ipad mini to tv

To do it wirelessly you need an Apple TV. What is it you wanted to do? mirror your iPad screen, or just playback movies?
You can buy an HDMI adapter for your iPad and use that to connect it to a TV. Apple sells several different configurations (Apple Store). I use it to connect my iPads to my TV and they work perfectly.

Thanks, that's very useful info as I am interested in viewing certain content on a bigger screen. Specifically, apps that allow me to watch my cable tv remotely, e.g., Xfinity TV GO and similar ones. My question is: when one of these apps is running, does the video/audio stream 'automatically' appear (transfer to) at the lightning connector? Or, is there some process necessary to accomplish this?


I think if you searched on how air play works they will show you that when an air play device is synced a recognizable icon shows up. I think it is the same for audio and video. The best way to go is apple tv and there are discounted ones at the apple web site. I believe they have updated the apple tv recently as well.

The thing I would be interested in knowing is if apple tv outputs video at the screen resolution of the TV or the screen resolution of the ios device. My guess would be the former because most TVs that are not 4K capable can not keep up with apple's retina display.

Another thing is will apple have nfc like things where I walk into a room while browsing the internet or viewing the Superbowl; after running an errand lets say; and the apple tv is setup to automatically turn on the smart tv and mirror the content on the ios device; in this case it would have to have been a 4G device.
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