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[controlling] Remote Control an iPad (including Standby/Unlock)


iPF Noob
Hi all

I would like to controll an iPad over WiFi, i need to unlock it and put it back to standby, is that possible somehow?

Unfortunately, you cannot remotely control a stock iPad. There are some ways to control a jail broken iPad (Veency, a Cydia tweak) - though I am not sure if that would do what you want. They key is, however, that you need to have a jail broken iPad to try. Sorry.

Thanks for your answer - i found Veency in another topic on ipadforums. thats probably not what im searching for, with Veency i would have to accept the conection and i think its not possible to wake it up.

a jailbroken iPad is not a problem at all! is there an option with a jailbroken one?


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