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Copy photo from USB drive


iPF Noob
First, Merry X'Mas to everyone.
I am a Windows person for years
and I am slowly learning how to live in this new Apple ipad world
One big advantage is to have your photos store on the ipad.
I find the native ipad photo app is not user friendly.
I bought this photo manager pro APPS and its great
at least I can move, copy, rename and organize my photo alot better
but when it comes to transferring photo, still a challenge.
This is a simple process but I just can't get it to work.
say someone give you a SD or USB stick
I bought the Apple Camera kit by the way
it has 2 adapters SD and USB
I plug in a SD or USB stick, nothing happen, no luck
can't see any pictures from it....
how hard could this be huh??
All I want to do is copy back and forth from and to the USB or SD....
I wish there is a Windows Explorer thing that you can use in ipad
If you have a solution please please tell me.
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