Is there an easy way to copy our CDs to my iPad to listen to while traveling?
Mahoback - welcome to the forum!

I'm not sure if you've done this process before, so I'll start w/ a simple list of what might be done. First, keep in mind that a 'full' CD will have an hour or more of music and 700-800 MBs of audio, of course nearly 1 GB - your iPad storage capacity will be from 16 GB to 64 GB, so if you're wanting a dozen or more CDs on the device, then the audio file size needs to reduced by 'ripping' the CD using a 'compressed' audio codec, such as MP3 or AAC that will play on the iPad - SO, my first question is whether you are aware of this process? If not, by 'ripping' the CD to a decent quality size (such as 128 Mbps bitrate) the size of the audio tracks are decreased to about 10%, i.e. on a CD, its takes about 10MB for 1 minute of music, however, on a ripped MP3 or AAC audio file the size is about 1MB - thus the need to rip for storing music on the iPad or iPod (or other similar mobile device).
Second, how to rip - many options but, if you have a computer w/ iTunes installed, then ripping & building up a library of your music is quite easy - once done, a transfer or sync to your iPad (or iPod in my case) will then put your ripped music onto the device which can then be played w/ decent sound quality. For myself, I have an old iPod Touch (32GB) w/ nearly 80 hours of music (still have half the storage left on the device) - now, 80 hrs of pure CD music would completely fill a 64GB iPod (of course if empty). I'll stop there because you may already know much of this and if not, please ask questions - once learned this becomes an easy process to enjoy your music on these mobile devices. Dave