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Copying folders & files from imac to quick office on ipad


iPF Noob
I have gone from a windows PC to an iMac, learning a lot, but am stuck as I don't know how to copy my business files on a regular basis from the iMac to the Quick Office app on my iPad. I used to do this via My Network places on my Laptop computer.
iCloud is good for some things, but not good for transferring big files or folders.
Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Not quite what you are asking for but....

Try tagdropbox on the appstore.

What you will need is a dropbox account, then link it with tagdropbox

Then you can copy files from dropbox folder into tagdropbox folder, then using the right arrow on the righthand side of the file you can tell it which program you want it to open in, you will need an internet connection to copy the file, but once copied it is fine
For example, i have doc files, mp4 files, m4r aka ringtones, pdf files, etc, you just need to make sure you have the right app to open them with

Actually glad you asked, as I had forgetten about it and been using email lol

Forgot to say, when you download something, it will have a green circle to the right, and is also only available offline for that device, i.e. what i have offline on the ipad is diff to what i have on the ipad

Uploading via the ipad/iphone is limited, uploading via the comp is better
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frederick said:
I have gone from a windows PC to an iMac, learning a lot, but am stuck as I don't know how to copy my business files on a regular basis from the iMac to the Quick Office app on my iPad. I used to do this via My Network places on my Laptop computer.
iCloud is good for some things, but not good for transferring big files or folders.
Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Quick Office has a number of ways to transfer files:
1) use the wifi transfer function within Quickoffice to create a web address you can own in safari on your Mac. Attach files and upload.
2) using iTunes App File Transfer. Whilst the iPad is connected, click on the device, go to the Apps tab and scroll down past the apps list to the section below called File Transfer. Find quickOffice in the list and select. Click add and attach the files required.
3) use cloud storage like Dropbox to transfer docs to QuickOffice.
There may be other ways, but that's what I have off the top of my head.
Well I knew there was a way. Thanks for your advise but I have just managed to set up a New Server on my local Network prior to viewing your thread.
I thought it must be possible as with my out dated laptop it was easy to do, even for this very practical but little technical person.
I entered the IP address of Quick Office in my web browser and created a new server address. So now all I do is open finder on my iMac, click Go, click - Connect to server- connect and it brings up the connection I require. First though you must have the iPad on and the Quick Office application open, otherwise it won't recognize the connection.
Very happy chappie at the moment, so until next time " Au Revoir"

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