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Copying ipad2 photo into blog


iPF Noob
May 27, 2011
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How do I copy a photo taken by ipad2 and paste into a blog being created on the ipad2? I am trying to write a blog and incorporate photos taken on the ipad2, but can't seem to be able to do it. Has anyone done that?
Dear paulinebrody,

I am replying to your thread not to give you support in your very peculiar problem, since I have no clue on it's solution, but to warn you about publishing photos taken with iPad-like devices.
The warn comes from the fact that these devices, if authorized (location services), automatically insert the coordinates of the location where you took the photo in the photo itself.
So, this way anybody can not only view your excellent piece of art but can become ware not only of the time and date when the shoot was taken, but also the exact (more or less about 30 meters) location on the planet Earth where you took it.

This is a very nice feature that, I think, a user should be aware of. I am not saying that it is bad, on the contrary it is very cool, but it is somehow not mentioned anywhere and it is another piece of the jigsaw that form part of our privacy.

Hoping to have made you a favor.
Good luck with your blog.
Mbagni said:
Dear paulinebrody,

I am replying to your thread not to give you support in your very peculiar problem, since I have no clue on it's solution, but to warn you about publishing photos taken with iPad-like devices.
The warn comes from the fact that these devices, if authorized (location services), automatically insert the coordinates of the location where you took the photo in the photo itself.
So, this way anybody can not only view your excellent piece of art but can become ware not only of the time and date when the shoot was taken, but also the exact (more or less about 30 meters) location on the planet Earth where you took it.

This is a very nice feature that, I think, a user should be aware of. I am not saying that it is bad, on the contrary it is very cool, but it is somehow not mentioned anywhere and it is another piece of the jigsaw that form part of our privacy.

Hoping to have made you a favor.
Good luck with your blog.

Thanks for pointing this out.
Blogsy is your answer

Mbangi makes a good point.

Assuming you are talking about pictures that you have uploaded to your iPad via the camera connection kit, you have one neat and elegant solution.

It is called Blogsy. They are releasing this week version 2.0 which will allow you to upload images from your device library directly to your blog. Check out the video of their software here:

Update of Blogsy with Uploading from iPad Photo Library. - Blogsy Blog

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