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Copying movies to Ipad2


iPF Noob
I couldnt find any topic on this so here`s my post
I have a jailbroken ipad 2 and want to copy some downloaded movies to the ipad. But i just cant figure out how to do it cause itunes blocks the movies.
btw the movies are in the right format for the ipad.
I hope anyone can help me
Avplayerhd will play almost anything and works well. Also, if you want to use the built in player you can convert the vids pretty easily. Look for handbrake online somewhere. There is a default setting for iPad and that converts to a viewable format. It converts pretty quickly as well
If you have downloaded movies you want on your iPad and it won't let you, make sure they (the movies are in the mpeg4 format; this is the only format iTunes can read. If they're not mp4s, download the free app "handbrake." (I have it on both my Mac and a win-tel machine. It's pretty self-explanatory to use: set the output format to "iPad" (note: the movie may not play on your computer, but it will on your iPad. Once you have the mp4 file, create a folder for it in: iTunes - music - movies. Label the folder with the movie name. Then mozy over to google and google the name of the movie and amazon. Pull it up in amazon, copy the image of the movie box (you can use other sites for this; I just prefer amazon...) and paste the image in the artwork box of the file in iTunes ("get info" - artwork tab).
Then sync it.
I've done this with about 20 movies I've downloaded, it works every time.
(Oh, you may be disapointed with the movie quality if you didn't download a " hi-res" version; they will be about 1.3 ~ 1.7 gigs.
If yu have any problems, let me know.
I couldnt find any topic on this so here`s my post
I have a jailbroken ipad 2 and want to copy some downloaded movies to the ipad. But i just cant figure out how to do it cause itunes blocks the movies.
btw the movies are in the right format for the ipad.
I hope anyone can help me
Try to install iTunes on your PC or laptop, its helpful to convert your files from PC to your iPad. I also just know about this thing, so I am ready to install iTunes on my laptop.
Hi Grabbit97.

Would you please explain in baby steps how you went about doing this?

I already have about 12 .AVI format movies on my Window 7 PC and I would like to move them over to my iPad 2, Vers 5.1.1 (3g + Wi-Fi) 64Gig.

I ask for baby steps as I have only had my iPad for 2 days so I am still groping around so to speak.

Hi, I have downloaded a few movies from the net which are in mpg4 format. When i open itunes and try to drag and drop these movies in itunes (movies) from my laptop, it does not allow me to. Could someone please help me understand how to transfer these movies to my ipad 2. Thanks in advance
I use Ace Player it will play any format I have tried to throw at it

Not only can Aceplayer play any movie file it also connects to the goflex satellite wireless hard drive. I play avi, flv. Just about any movie I have on the hard drive. Great player.
PadMan2 said:
Not only can Aceplayer play any movie file it also connects to the goflex satellite wireless hard drive. I play avi, flv. Just about any movie I have on the hard drive. Great player.

By "any format" which formats do you mean the ace player can play other that avi and flv?. Does it support 720p and 1080p mkv videos, xvid, as these happen to be very popular formats for videos. Also your goflex satellite system should have a rechargeable battery - how do you manage watching 3 hrs long movies using it because mine hd has very poor batteries.
I have had no problem playing movies for 5 hours, It suppose to play for 7 hours but I never had enough time to watch that many movies.
1.Support almost any video formats: WMV, AVI, MKV, RMVB, RM, XVID, MP4, 3GP, MPG...
2.Support almost any audio formats: MP3, WMA, RM, ACC, OGG, APE, FLAC,FLV...
3.Support smi, srt, ass, ssa, sub txt subtitle.
4.Use iTunes to sync movies to AcePlayer.
5.Easily Wi-Fi transfer to download media files from PC to your ios devices.
6.Build-in Open Url Client to support HTTP, FTP, MMS, RTSP, SMB, RTP streaming.
7.Build-in UPnP Client to stream/download media files from most of all UPnP/DLNA media servers.
8.Build-in FTP Client to stream/download media files from FTP Servers(Note: stream only for PASV mode).
9.Build-in Samba Client to stream/download media files from Samba Servers.
10.Build-in file manager supported: move files from folder to folder,file delete,file rename,folder creation,folder delete.
11.Build-in file downloader. You can download files from FTP/Samba/UPnP Servers, and resume or pause downloads.
12.Multi playlist supported: you can create playlist and and media file to playlist, and every folder is automatically made as a playlist.
13."Open In" feature supported: open video and audio files from Mail email attachments and Safari Web browser.
14. aceplayer://URL scheme.
15.iPad 2 dual core decoding supported.For iPad 2,dual-core of A5 chip could be used to decode at the same time.
16.TV out support.
17.AirPlay supported(Note: only for QuickTime plugin).
18.Buid-in photo viewer to support:jpeg, jpg, png, bmp...
19.It can play music in the background mode, so that build your playlist, you can us it as a music player.
20. You can set password for your folder in the documents, just click the button on the right of the folder.

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