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iPF Noob
Ok I decided to Jailbreak my ipad 4.2.1 using redsn0w. Please provide me with link to.

1. Correct IPSW (Firmware)
2. Redsn0w D/L for MAC or Windows-7 *W/E is easier
3. Video Link *Cause every1 I watch is different.

Thanks, Everybody!
1. You should only get the official firmware from Apple. You can search their site for it.
2. Only official source is the dev team blog - blog.iphone-dev.org
3. iclarified.com is great for tutorials.

Come back here if you have any specific questions, but I would recommend you read and re-read ALL the blog instructions follow the guidance in redsn0w... It is fairly straightforward if you follow all the steps. Read it all before you start!

Good luck.
F4. Please just give me the link for redsnow...I'm running 4.2.1 8c. Mb model 16gb. The 499.00 one.....I don't understand half the stuff on dev team. I just wanna jailbreak my iPad y is is so difficult THANKS DUDEE
F4. Please just give me the link for redsnow...I'm running 4.2.1 8c. Mb model 16gb. The 499.00 one.....I don't understand half the stuff on dev team. I just wanna jailbreak my iPad y is is so difficult THANKS DUDEE

Go back to the dev-team blog and go to the second post called "Thanksgiving with Apple". At the bottom of that post are 2 links for redsn0w. One for Windows. One for OSX. Download the one you want.
And I STRONGLY suggest you at least understand and accept the following quote from that post BEFORE you jailbreak

"The good news there is that due to geohot’s limera1n exploit, all recent devices can be jailbroken (this will be true until Apple released new hardware that fixes geohot’s limerain exploit in the bootrom). The bad news is that right now, the 4.2.1 jailbreak is *tethered* on all of these recent devices. A tethered jailbreak means that each time your device loses battery power or needs to be rebooted, you must attach it to a PC or Mac to boot into the jailbroken state."

Good luck.
I'm looking at apple's website now, and cannot find it can it help direct me a little better on apples website.

I went to apple.com/downloads clicked on IOS and couldnt find a download link....please help


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