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Creating an ibook to sell on itunes

Why would anybody want to turn a PDF into a discountinued Apple Laptop?

Or did you mean an 'eBook'?

We've had a few threads on that already.

Which format do you want? ePub?

Personally, I prefer Calibre.
Calibre will work for nearly 90% of the conversions. There can be some issues with the translation, especially with tables and charts. I have done some conversions that have come out terrible, I have done some that have been spot on.
calibre - E-book management

Sigil is one that you can use to start the iBook ePub from scratch.
sigil - Project Hosting on Google Code

I would recommend you try out both of them and see which works best for you. I am working on a Zombie RPG from scratch, so I am looking at Sigil for the publishing. Since it is in the early stages, it is easy to use Sigil for the publishing and creation. I had converted the full text to PDF and imported into Calebre and out to ePub but the tables (done in Excel) did not translate at all.
Very many thanks - I have seen those threads and as you say Calibre seems to be the one to go to first as the books are already in pdf format and hopefully they will convert okay as they already look great on the ipad in pdf format.

The bit I am struggling to get my head round or find any reference on the Apple site is once I get the book into epub format how do I then sell it on itunes and stop it being copied around - i.e. so it only runs under the rules set by itunes?

Many thanks

The bit I am struggling to get my head round or find any reference on the Apple site is once I get the book into epub format how do I then sell it on itunes and stop it being copied around - i.e. so it only runs under the rules set by itunes?

Many thanks

Start here --
Apple - iTunes - Partner Programs - Book Publishers

Precisely. Converting your .pdf file into an .epub is a technical question. Getting iBooks to sell your book is a question of another color, another epistemology. Now you are in the convoluted and esoteric realms of publication and distribution.

Get thee hence and query thither. ;)

A publisher is going to have a format that they expect to se when they receive any work for consideration. The publisher will also have a protocol of what they wish to receive before they request the entire manuscript. You may know these things already, and if you do, my apologies in advance if this sounds condescending. Under no circumstance is that my intention. It is just that getting published is no easy feat. Publishers receive uncountable manuscripts and requests on a daily basis. The smallest thing out of line, the tiniest variance from the format and form the publisher indicates will result in your work getting filed in File 13 (the trash).

I have had two eBooks published. Actually published, not self published by some vanity press or POD "publisher." It was a VERY long slog, and I made ALL the mistakes one can make.
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Very many thanks for both your posts. The link in the first is spot on and love the humour in the second.

We are developing our publishing and epublish skills as getting works published through traditional routes is as you say nigh on imposssible and congrats on getting the 2 you have done through the system.

The trickiest bit now seems to be to get a tax code from your tax system.

So hence forth I shall ready my knights and start on a quest to search in your noble kingdom for a tax code!

Best wishes


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