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Creating an Ipad app flash cs5


iPF Noob
Since I want to become a game dev I need tutorials does anyone know any good creating an iPad app tutorials for flash cs5 thanks.
If you really want to use Flash just start out learning that. There are oodles of Flash tutorials on the web. You will need to be using Actionscript 3 if you want to publish your game on the iPad. Warning - Flash apps are sluggish on the iPad. If you are planning to do anything that requires speed (E.g. lots of smooth animation, physics, etc) then you are probably better off using something else like Corona or Unity.

Thanks for the info I here it's easy you just make a flash game and convert it into ,app format think that's right. Anyway I got lots of PDFs to tell me how to make games for devices.
If you plan on doing game development for iPhone/iPad, I would not recommend using Flash CS5. I have been using AS3 for several years and found it does not translate well to iOS.

You will most likely have an uphill battle with performance which may cause problems when it comes to app submission time.

(Check out app store submission guidelines)

I would agree in saying check out Unity. I believe Battle Heart was made with Unity (one of my fav. games on iPad at the moment, I hope you find it inspiring!).

Also, Cocos2D has also been recommended to me repeatedly for game development.
About | cocos2d for iPhone

Hope this helps.

- Brad
It supports air and most game devs are using that now and it converts it. Also I'm getting cs5.5 production premium that won't cost me much only £333 sine I can get the student addition.

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