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Creating new photo folders/moving pics


iPF Novice
Is there a way to create new folders/albums in the photo section and move pics around?I would like to have multiple folders to point the picture frame mode at.Is this possible as well?
I haven't found a way to do that within the iPad itself. I set up a sync folder for itunes and put a copy of each pic I want in the iPad in that folder. Whatever folder you create in there will be mirrored on the iPad.
I haven't found a way to do that within the iPad itself. I set up a sync folder for itunes and put a copy of each pic I want in the iPad in that folder. Whatever folder you create in there will be mirrored on the iPad.

Can't really do this if you downloaded the pics to the pad,correct?
Reason #164 to delete a-hole comments that only serve to annoy other users.
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Wait and see with what Apple will come up in the next OS release in fall.
Just keep posting improvement request to Apple.
Reason #164 to return your iPad and buy a real computer. You know, one that actually let's users create and organize files/folders. Joke.

You might as well say the same thing about the iPod or a digital camera... If it can't do everything computer can do, it is useless! You do realize that an iPad (like a digital camera or an MP3 player) is not meant to replace a computer, right?
I copied a couple of images from an email. It looks like there is no option in the Apple photo app to display at real size. It only shows my images expanded to fit the full screen. Unless there is some way around this it sure looks like the photo app is a "bare minimum" piece of junk.
The problem is that the photo app is only a viewer, not iPhoto. At some point, Apple will create an iPhoto app, or there will be something like a Kodak app come out.
The problem is that the photo app is only a viewer, not iPhoto. At some point, Apple will create an iPhoto app, or there will be something like a Kodak app come out.

Yes, but it's very dumb viewer. It shouldn't just arbitrarily fit every image to the screen. Apple programmers were just too lazy to do it properly.
The problem is that the photo app is only a viewer, not iPhoto. At some point, Apple will create an iPhoto app, or there will be something like a Kodak app come out.

Kodak already has one I was thinking about getting it looks pretty neat. I have not tried it yet. Will let you know.
Reason #164 to delete a-hole comments that only serve to annoy other users.

What a fascist little message board you have here. I understand censoring foul language, but opinions too? You remind me of those worthless rent-a-cops who take their jobs too seriously, and get no respect in return.

Let users decide what is right or wrong. We don't need you.
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