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Cropping iPad(3) vids to put in Facebook

Londoner Lad

iPF Noob
Hi. How do you do this please as I understand the maximum length permitted is only one minute? I see "edit" but when I select nothing seems to happen? Thanks
In the Photos app:

Open the clip in full screen. Tap in the middle so that you see the timeline at the top.

The timeline is contained in a grey rectangle with drag handles on each end and a draggable timeline marker between them.

Drag the beginning and end handles to where you want them. Once you start dragging the box will turn yellow, to indicate that you've changed stuff. A yellow trim button will also appear to the right of the timeline.

When done editing, tap the Trim button for a choice of trimming the original or saving it as a new clip.

In iMovie:

Scroll the time line to the point where you want to split the video. Tap the clip once so that it is highligted (yellow outline). Now pretend your finger is a knife and cut along the timeline marker (red vertical line) from above the clip to below.

The clip should separate.

Now tap and hold on the portion of the clip you do not want. When it lifts, drag it out of the timeline and it will poof.

This does not affect the original clip that you imported, so if you make a mistake you can always start over.

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