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Delete non-flagged photos from iPhoto on iPad


iPF Noob
Hello everybody,

Thank you very much for reading this :-)

I bought iPad hoping it would help me to manage my videos and photos. But I found that iPhoto on iPad is not able to delete photos.

My use case is very simple:
1. Take a lot of picture with my DSLR.
2. Export them to iPad using camera connection kit.
3. Select the photos that I liked (flag them or whatever).
4. Probably export them to a web-album.
5. Delete everything else (that is, non-flagged photos).

But iPhoto doesn't delete pictures at all!!

My DSLR produces pictures of high quality and they waste a lot of space. Usually I delete about 90% of them, keeping only the best ones.

I don't want to use a computer for this and I don't want to delete them one by one in Photos...

Please, please, please, the God of iPhoto, add an ability to delete non-flagged photos in iPhoto! If you think it's not for everybody, that people would occasionally delete their photos and get frustrated and stop buying iPads, then add this ability only for me, I will appreciate this greatly :-)

Same issue - need a full feature 'delete' in iPhoto.

To quote the included iPhoto help 'unless the photo has been edited, captioned, tagged as a favorite, or used in a journal.' Deleted all my photos with the Photos app and still have 42-pictures in iPhoto the I can not delete as they are edited. And, they are not visible via USB/Internal Storage either. Delete option needed wasting ~120MB of space (42 * 3MB).

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