Some feedback having decided to purchase Numbers.
Having read a number of adverse comments I took my time over the numerous headings designed to help users in the Getting Started sample worksheet. This I found really helpful as it is interactive and you can try out the hints on the sample without having to leave to create one for yourself.
In the first three days of use I have created a number of "spreadsheets" designed to assist in our forthcoming house move.
One is a proper spreadsheet with columns,rows,totals and formulas designed to calculate varying sums of money dependant on differing costs and purchase prices.
The second is a Things to Do worksheet which used a dummy format supplied within the App. It gives me a basic list which I can easily insert rows into; tick boxes to show jobs completed; finally there is a date completed column. If I need additional columns and headings I an add them easily.
Finally I have a simple spreadsheet for showing boxes,contents,location and a numbering system.
Aware of people's concerns about losing info I made sure I could use the easily understood Share facility and in just a few seconds am able to send myself an e-mail with a copy of any spreadsheet in either PDF , xls, or Numbers format, the first two opened perfectly on both iPad and PC but the Numbers format was jumbled. I don't know why but will investigate.The PDF versions I was able to save to iBooks for easy viewing.
I see there is a facility to use iCloud for backups and storage but although there is a help tab for this it fails to explain how this is used. Again I need to investigate.
So far I am very impressed by an App that costs the princely sum of ?6.99 and have not experienced any of the problems suggested by others.
Having read a number of adverse comments I took my time over the numerous headings designed to help users in the Getting Started sample worksheet. This I found really helpful as it is interactive and you can try out the hints on the sample without having to leave to create one for yourself.
In the first three days of use I have created a number of "spreadsheets" designed to assist in our forthcoming house move.
One is a proper spreadsheet with columns,rows,totals and formulas designed to calculate varying sums of money dependant on differing costs and purchase prices.
The second is a Things to Do worksheet which used a dummy format supplied within the App. It gives me a basic list which I can easily insert rows into; tick boxes to show jobs completed; finally there is a date completed column. If I need additional columns and headings I an add them easily.
Finally I have a simple spreadsheet for showing boxes,contents,location and a numbering system.
Aware of people's concerns about losing info I made sure I could use the easily understood Share facility and in just a few seconds am able to send myself an e-mail with a copy of any spreadsheet in either PDF , xls, or Numbers format, the first two opened perfectly on both iPad and PC but the Numbers format was jumbled. I don't know why but will investigate.The PDF versions I was able to save to iBooks for easy viewing.
I see there is a facility to use iCloud for backups and storage but although there is a help tab for this it fails to explain how this is used. Again I need to investigate.
So far I am very impressed by an App that costs the princely sum of ?6.99 and have not experienced any of the problems suggested by others.