iPF Noob
So in was wondering if they were gonna have one to control box and tv as a remote. So I googled it last night and they announced that they were but non date set yet. So ironically it was release today and I downloaded it....looks great but to use Remote control functionality requires receiver models HR20, HR21, R22, R23, HR24, and H21, H23, and H24. I have 6 hd boxes in my house and 4 of them are dvr's and only 1 of them is a HR24 which u can use as a remote my other 3 are HR22 which I can't use. What kinda crap is that!? Sorry just I emailed them about sending me a voucher for at least 1 newer hd dvr in place of one of my others so I can enjoy the luxury of the newer Directv customers! Lol $600 for 3 more newer dvr's is kinda silly if u ask me
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