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Discusting free apps


iPF Noob
There are so many so called "FREE" apps that are really traps into buying addons or levels. These apps should not be listed as free but unpaid trials. How a forum for black listing these not free apps. I have no objection to paying for a app up front but downloading a so called free app and then finding out its a trap app is disgusting.
It's not going to happen. I, for one, have better things to do with my time than downloading free apps and then whining about them for the world to see. The app store mirrors life.

You get what you pay for.

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

All that glistens is not gold.

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A good pice of advice would be to check the reviews. It takes ten seconds to scroll to the bottom and usually the first 10 are pretty much conclusive about the rest of the reviews. You'd be hard pressed not to find someone not complaining if that's the case.

Also to the left they list in app purchases if that's another hint to go by.
Thank you for your input. The complaint about being free or a paid trial is kids look at these apps and we download them for the children not based upon their being free or paid but what the children want. The child then gets interested in the app only to find out it cannot really play the app without being pushed and shoved into buying add ons to allow them to play it. I have now shown our grand kids how to ignore any free app.

Thank You
KevinJS said:
It's not going to happen. I, for one, have better things to do with my time than downloading free apps and then whining about them for the world to see.

Unless I have grossly misread your reply to the OP's question, I think your reply is way out of line Mod or not! It was a simple question, no need to accuse the OP of whining. A simple response would have sufficed.

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Unless I have grossly misread your reply to the OP's question, I think your reply is way out of line Mod or not! It was a simple question, no need to accuse the OP of whining. A simple response would have sufficed.

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I was not accusing the OP of whining. I was stating that I wasn't prepared to do it myself.

When a moderator takes part in a conversation, he is no longer a moderator, and does not enjoy any privileged status. We are all members first, and if you disagree with me or my opinions, you are welcome to state your case. Other moderators will not weigh in on my behalf, and you will suffer no consequences.

Something else that didn't appear in my original list: The man who was afraid to be wrong, never accomplished anything. I can be as wrong as anyone else

I do what I can for members. The original question asked for a subforum for blacklisting apps which do nothing worse than offering in-app purchases. We don't do that.

If you have an issue with a moderator (including the suitability of a certain person being a moderator), you can, without fear of retribution, contact the administrators who are the final arbiters in a dispute. If you decide to go down this route, you should PM either col.bris or mwhartman stating your complaint, and the reasons for it. I assure you, your concerns will be taken seriously.

In my opinion, the OP gave as good as he got with his next post,asking what I did on Sunday. I read that as a sarcastic comment, and figured that I was probably due for it.

You'll notice that my post has the black (report) triangle. Moderators posts are just as capable as anyone else's of being reported, and the moderation team will consider any reported post and take the necessary action, regardless of who wrote it.
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I am not going to report anything, you handled this very appropriately and like an adult, thank you. You said you were not referring to the OP about whining, and I have no reason to doubt that. Thank you for being mature about this and no hard feelings on my end at all.

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No hard feelings here, either. All members have the ability to rate apps on the forums and subforums that we already have as they see fit. If an app is getting rave reviews and you think, having bought it, that it doesn't deserve them, or that the developer is touting his own piece of junk, you are welcome to say so. The staff have more interest in the well-being of members' hard-earned cash than they do in the profit margins of people who peddle garbage.

All we ask is that members post within the rules. It is hard work to go through hundreds of posts looking for spambots, links to dubious sites and generally offensive material, but we do it willingly. For the most part, mods should be invisible, but this is the Internet and it never ceases to throw up surprises.

The aim is to enable members to use a facility to enhance their experience with their iPads, and to be able to meet like-minded people with whom to share the experience. We take pride in keeping the forum well-run, without using the big stick. Don't forget, the last and most important rule is "Have fun".

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