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Displayout Question


iPF Noob
Aug 30, 2010
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I just purchased Displayout from Cydia, and it works perfectly except for one issue...when I startup NES ADX+ or SNES ADX+ with a wiimote connected the output shakes on the tv screen. I'm using the Apple composite AV cables if that may make a difference. Anyone have any ideas?
I had that same issue yesterday. I found that by adjusting the scaling to about .8, the shaking was minimized. It is a bit disappointing, though, as it's a very useful app when the display is solid.
Mine was set at .8 actually. The emulators are the only thing that shakes. Everything else works great.
I purchased Displayout, and I too am having the same problem which is a bit annoying. I chose this over tvout2 because I thought the picture quality would be better. What do you guys think about the picture? I don't think its that great, ive got a componant cable, and it was my understanding that component was a little bit less better than HDMI, in sone opinions better, but mine sort of looks like VGA, very bright and not very sharp, is it to do with the size of my tv?? Should I use a lower resolution?? It's a 32" LCD.

I installed tvout2 the other day. I knew nothing about it until I saw it mentioned on another website. It works just fine with the emulators, only one small issue...I was playing Blaster Master and when the tank is moving it seems like it blurs just a small bit. I don't know if displayout has this issue too seeing as how it apparently doesn't work with the emulators for some reason. Does anyone at all know how to solve this problem on displayout?
I brought Displayout because I thought it was better lol

what I want to know is how do people feel about the picture??

It looks a bit better than TVOUT2, but it is still pretty poor, even if I decrease the resolution and the scale.

I don't get it, should I have gone with the VGA cable instead??
I brought Displayout because I thought it was better lol

what I want to know is how do people feel about the picture??

It looks a bit better than TVOUT2, but it is still pretty poor, even if I decrease the resolution and the scale.

I don't get it, should I have gone with the VGA cable instead??

Yes. In the description for displayout it says that the VGA connector works the best. I have the VGA connector and I have had no problems.
Have you used any of the NES/SNES emulators using the VGA connector with display out? If so, do they shake? The main reason I dont buy the VGA connector is you cant charge it while playing movies or whatever like you can with the composite/component cables. Has anyone ran across a 3rd party VGA connector that has a charging option?
Have you used any of the NES/SNES emulators using the VGA connector with display out? If so, do they shake? The main reason I dont buy the VGA connector is you cant charge it while playing movies or whatever like you can with the composite/component cables. Has anyone ran across a 3rd party VGA connector that has a charging option?

I'm not saying I have tried it but that is what display out says...

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