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Do apps bought for the Ipad 2 come free on the iphone?


iPF Noob
My HTC phone has just packed up (i may have spilt some water on it, so have submerged it in rice, but I am not hopeful that it will recover).

So i will probably need to get a new phone. I am toying with the idea of getting an iphone. I would like to know if the apps i have bought and/or downloaded onto my ipad2 can be duplicated on the iphone (without paying for them again).
Once u have paid for an app yes u are entitled to install in on other devices provided that they are registered under the same account!

U will be prompted with a message saying u have already paid for this app but we see it is not installed on ur device! And u won't be charged a second time!

But be weary that some apps are for iPad only and won't be compatible with ur iPhone. But most ipad apps are compatible with the iPhone 4. They usually list item compatibility in the description on iTunes!

Hope this helps

iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch, shuffle, iPad 2

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