iPF Noob
I've tried searching the forum and the app store, and I'm not sure I'm getting the results I want because I'm not sure if what I want is even possible.
I would like to integrate my calendar and a notepad. I would like to be able to have appointments on my calendar, then come back from these meetings and be able to write down detailed meeting notes and to-do lists THAT TIE SPECIFICALLY to that appointment.
Basically it would be a way for me to create a dossier on the faculty that my office serves, and provide a one-stop link for followup issues (i.e. web searches, deadlines and the such).
I know I can do something like this in Outlook, but I don't think I can tie the notes/tasks to the specific meeting times.
I did get the Daily Notes +To Do app yesterday, and while it is beautiful and looks like it would work perfectly there is NO calendar sync with it. I'm not too keen on the idea of keeping two calendars, especially if I ever have my secretary start keeping my calendar for me.
Any ideas? What would I call what I'm looking for? A calendar integration? A database? Impossible?
Thank you!
I would like to integrate my calendar and a notepad. I would like to be able to have appointments on my calendar, then come back from these meetings and be able to write down detailed meeting notes and to-do lists THAT TIE SPECIFICALLY to that appointment.
Basically it would be a way for me to create a dossier on the faculty that my office serves, and provide a one-stop link for followup issues (i.e. web searches, deadlines and the such).
I know I can do something like this in Outlook, but I don't think I can tie the notes/tasks to the specific meeting times.
I did get the Daily Notes +To Do app yesterday, and while it is beautiful and looks like it would work perfectly there is NO calendar sync with it. I'm not too keen on the idea of keeping two calendars, especially if I ever have my secretary start keeping my calendar for me.
Any ideas? What would I call what I'm looking for? A calendar integration? A database? Impossible?

Thank you!