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Do the lines get better?


iPF Noob
Well I'm not much of a morning person but I'm really looking to get an iPad 2. I went to a nearby apple store this morning at 7:00 AM and there were at least 50 people already in line. Do the lines get better during the week? I called them but they said that they're not sure, but they get shipments everyday.. Does anyone have any suggestions?
funforums5 said:
Well I'm not much of a morning person but I'm really looking to get an iPad 2. I went to a nearby apple store this morning at 7:00 AM and there were at least 50 people already in line. Do the lines get better during the week? I called them but they said that they're not sure, but they get shipments everyday.. Does anyone have any suggestions?

A folding chair, a couple of burgers and a four pack of bud?

Welcome to the forums!

The Archangel
Excellent question.

You could always order one up online and just cancel it out if you're fortunate enough to snag one sooner.

It would be quite interesting to know how the production run is allocated amongst the various outlets. Just looking at the domestic US market allocation, I'd suspect production allocations go something like:
45% to Apple Store retail locations
35% to other retail outlets (BBuy, AT&T, Verizon, WalMart, Target)
20% to online orders

Now, if they're holding to international launch dates, well then scale that back accordingly, but probably need to take it out of the hides of the online orders and Apple Store locations due to likely having fixed supply contracts with the retail outlets.
You're only still a week in!

I wouldnt mind the long wait if i could be garanteed a device. Both are currently depressing out comes.

I wonder how long it'll be before theres no cues, no stock shortages and buying an ipad 2 will be as simple as popping out to the local store and buying a pint of milk?
Probably not until ipad 3 is announced

jeez, how much are Apple making off this?
Same here in Dallas. The store gave out ticket and let 20 people in at a time.
In fact someone called the police because a couple of kids had tickets and were scalping them.
I wonder what apple was thing. Did they not think the Ipad 2 would be a winner. Why didn't they open up the online orders early, then they would have had an idea of expected volume. I don't buy the thought that they did this to hype sales because I'm sure they lost many sales to the Xoom as people didn't want to wait.
An if they don't start getting these things our the door AND Toshiba gets their tablet to the market their sales will further be reduced.
I know, I know the android isn't..., and doesn't... and will not ... but hey they said that about the Droid and now look how many people love their droids.

So come on apple get my ipad 2 in the mail!
My Apple store in Birmingham AL has not had a line for the past 3-4 days and they have had wifi in stock.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Same here in Dallas. The store gave out ticket and let 20 people in at a time.
In fact someone called the police because a couple of kids had tickets and were scalping them.
I wonder what apple was thing. Did they not think the Ipad 2 would be a winner. Why didn't they open up the online orders early, then they would have had an idea of expected volume. I don't buy the thought that they did this to hype sales because I'm sure they lost many sales to the Xoom as people didn't want to wait.
An if they don't start getting these things our the door AND Toshiba gets their tablet to the market their sales will further be reduced.
I know, I know the android isn't..., and doesn't... and will not ... but hey they said that about the Droid and now look how many people love their droids.

So come on apple get my ipad 2 in the mail!

Sometimes inventory is reduced on purpose. Think about it, suppose everybody got one on release day. Then what?
If you saw the iPhone release on Verizon you'd see what I mean. There were no lines, no hype, no news, no big deal, because of pre sales. I'd bet Apple will sell at minimum 10% more because it's not easily gotten. The folks at Apple are pretty good at manipulation of product, hype and inventory control. The wild card was Japan. I doubt even Steve saw that one coming, like the antenna being a problem initially on the iPhone 4 but it didn't hurt sales in the end a bit, just like I doubt anyone who has done ANY research will choose a Xoom over anything else available. There are Galaxy tabs out there that make a much better plan B than a Xoom. Android will eventually become the biggest seller but only out of shear numbers of models available on, like their phone lineup. I'm neither an Apple or Android lover as they both have their flaws but Apples tight control will come back in time to hurt them , even if it means a better product, because again they keep telling us that we can't have what we want exactly but we can have their definition of what we want. Apple may not have the abilities of Android for customizing, true multitask but their hardware just wreaks of quality vs Moto wreaking of stink in the hardware quality.

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Sent from my iPad
I'm neither an Apple or Android lover as they both have their flaws but Apples tight control will come back in time to hurt them , even if it means a better product, because again they keep telling us that we can't have what we want exactly but we can have their definition of what we want.

I would have thought that for the vast majority of Apple users, the lack of "freedom" (for the same reasons that the minority of users choose to jailbreak their devices) is a non-issue. (Many of them might not even know what a "jailbreak" is.)

And the issue of "which device is better" is also moot because of Apple's massive first-mover advantage - i.e. it was first to market with a very strong product (despite its flaws) and has dominated that market to the tune of 15 million units sold, while their competitors are struggling to get something out the factory door. This means that at least that many users are now emotionally, financially (accessories, apps) and lifestyle-wise invested into the iPad; the majority of them would not simply abandon the iPad even if the next superior tablet came along. What people think is a lot more powerful that how things actually are.

And add to that the "halo" marketing effect - users who identify strongly with one brand tend to be loyal to that brand (in this case, owners who already own one Apple item are more favourably inclined to buy a second item). All of these added up simply makes the iPad very, very difficult to dislodge from its position in the market.

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