Same here in Dallas. The store gave out ticket and let 20 people in at a time.
In fact someone called the police because a couple of kids had tickets and were scalping them.
I wonder what apple was thing. Did they not think the Ipad 2 would be a winner. Why didn't they open up the online orders early, then they would have had an idea of expected volume. I don't buy the thought that they did this to hype sales because I'm sure they lost many sales to the Xoom as people didn't want to wait.
An if they don't start getting these things our the door AND Toshiba gets their tablet to the market their sales will further be reduced.
I know, I know the android isn't..., and doesn't... and will not ... but hey they said that about the Droid and now look how many people love their droids.
So come on apple get my ipad 2 in the mail!