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Do women take offense when you ask them out just right off the bat?

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iPF Noob
Is it wrong to hit on a girl right off the bat without even knowing her name? I know you should start chit chat first but often im finding myself in situations where the girl will be working and i just cant exactly start up convo with the girl, or even ask them out period!

For example retails stores near me have lots of nice girls working, i go buy stuff and they ring it through for me but its often busy with lineups and their bosses are nearby so I dont wanna hit on em and perhaps get them in trouble or get myself in trouble. The last thing i wanna be doing is getting the girl in trouble on her shift. Not just that but i hate crowds and im just not the type to ask out a girl with a buncha strangers around me, especially when theyre mostly women. Very Intimidating. I know many tell me "who cares what they think, who cares if they see you asking this girl out" But for some reason ive just never been able to get over this no matter the time or place.

Theres this girl who works at a craft shop right near me that ive been wanting to ask out for over 2 weeks now! Im ridiculous attracted to her, the first time she was helping me things got cut short and i wasnt able to ask her out. I dont even know her name but i went back couple days later and she wasnt there. Chances of me running into her again are slim to none. See this is why i generally like to cut to the chase and avoid all the unessecary nonsense.

Im a very blunt person, and i just like to cut to the chase. Im not the kind of person who would make several trips just to chat with them and built report. Situations like these is where id almost be tempted to just slip them my number or something on a piece of paper while handing them over my money. I know its not the most "manly" way asking a girl out but like i said....some situations just dont allow you any room to play.
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Hey if she works at a craft shop, your chat up line should be......fancy coming back to mine and making something special..... Hmmmmm no wonder I never had much luck with women ha ha
Here's the thing, op, would you like to be propositioned to go out with some random person right off the bat? It gets really old really fast.

Just try to strike up a conversation, then when you need to part ways, if it was going well, then say something like "I'd really like to continue this," and see how she responds.
I'm sorry, but the question reminds me of a quote from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High":

Mike Damone: I can see it all now, this is gonna be just like last summer. You fell in love with that girl at the Fotomat, you bought forty dollars worth of f****n' film, and you never even talked to her. You don't even own a camera.
Yet another idiotic thread from this OP...


Seriously. SP
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