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Do you expect new iphone?


iPF Noob
It is rumored that Apple is planning to launch iPhone 5S with quad-core A7 processor this year. What do you think about it? It is also in the air that Samsung will release its Samsung Galaxy S4. Which one do you like more?It is rumored that Apple is planning to launch iPhone 5S with quad-core A7 processor this year. What do you think about it? It is also in the air that Samsung will release its Samsung Galaxy S4. Which one do you like more?
It is rumored that Apple is planning to launch iPhone 5S with quad-core A7 processor this year. What do you think about it? It is also in the air that Samsung will release its Samsung Galaxy S4. Which one do you like more?It is rumored that Apple is planning to launch iPhone 5S with quad-core A7 processor this year. What do you think about it? It is also in the air that Samsung will release its Samsung Galaxy S4. Which one do you like more?

I am not sure where you get your information, but the iPhone 5S will be a quad triple core, A19 processor with an 8088 Graphics Processor and quadraphonic stereo sound. I know this for a fact because I saw some photo shopped images I was told are really, really genuine. A disgruntled janitor at the Chix wang Zu Ginzu Knife, Bento Box and Retina Display Factory in the Chung King Noodle Province sent them to the wife of one of the parking lot attendants, so I know they be really, really genuinely authentic.

And you can get it in one of 5 festive colors: Windows Surface Multi-color, Steve Jobs Turtleneck Black, Apple Profit Green, Bloody Dead Android Red, kind of an off blue/purple color Apple calls Spoiled Blackberry Blue and silver for the traditionalists.
I've yet to decide which imaginary phone I'd like more, lol.

Yes, vapourware is all the rage. I know the Galaxy S3 will soon sport a 14 inch screen. I know this is really, really true because I found the engineering drawings on the train. Wow, what a device. It will be round, fancy that.

Did you hear that Apple will release the iPhone 6 through Kickstarter? This is really, really true. I read it on Dub-U Dub-U Dub-U dit dot slash/inter-web net dot google.con
It is rumored that Apple is planning to launch iPhone 5S with quad-core A7 processor this year. What do you think about it? It is also in the air that Samsung will release its Samsung Galaxy S4. Which one do you like more?It is rumored that Apple is planning to launch iPhone 5S with quad-core A7 processor this year. What do you think about it? It is also in the air that Samsung will release its Samsung Galaxy S4. Which one do you like more?

Yes no yes no yes no.
Grebelly said:
It is rumored that Apple is planning to launch iPhone 5S with quad-core A7 processor this year. What do you think about it? It is also in the air that Samsung will release its Samsung Galaxy S4. Which one do you like more?It is rumored that Apple is planning to launch iPhone 5S with quad-core A7 processor this year. What do you think about it? It is also in the air that Samsung will release its Samsung Galaxy S4. Which one do you like more?

I don't have the Samsung :( but do have one of the Apple devices to field test). It is very thin and when not on seems to be a clear sheet of material. The battery is ok, but I am having a real hard time turning it on - the newest Beta of SIRI now takes input directly from your thoughts and this thing keeps switching from app to web site to video and never lets me finish what I need to be doing for this test. Any non ADD people want to help... Oh look, a leaf is falling outside, gotta go ;)
I don't have the Samsung :( but do have one of the Apple devices to field test). It is very thin and when not on seems to be a clear sheet of material. The battery is ok, but I am having a real hard time turning it on - the newest Beta of SIRI now takes input directly from your thoughts and this thing keeps switching from app to web site to video and never lets me finish what I need to be doing for this test. Any non ADD people want to help... Oh look, a leaf is falling outside, gotta go ;)

Do you have any aluminum foil in the pantry?
Id like there to be a larger iPhone with more customisable features. I think the galaxy s4 will be a hit as they basically give you what you want. I have a note 2 and love it. Ive had to jailbreak my iPad to give me the same kind of features that i get a standard on my note 2
Kaykaykay said:
Do you have any aluminum foil in the pantry?


I would personally stick to apple regardless of what Samsung have to offer!

However I have only just upgraded to the iPhone 5 but cleverly my 13 year old daughter is due for upgrade later this year so may upgrade her to any new one that comes available and she can have my 5 ;)

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