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Do You Sync Your iPad?


iPF Noob
I've had my iPad2 for a couple of months and have never synced or backed it up to a computer. Will not doing so cause me problems in the long run. ( I currently have no desktop or laptop computer to use for this purpose)
It is just good practice to sync once in a while so you at least have a recent backup. As reliable as our devices are, they can still go wrong once in a while, so backing up is always advisable. Once a month is probably best if you really don't have a need to sync for any other reason.
Since the release of IOS5 is imminent you would probably be advised to do one now so that at least you will be in a good position when / if you want to install the new OS.

But of course if you don't have a PC then that poses a problem! You need to keep a master link with one PC for the iPad with 4.x firmware (this all changes with IOS5 when you don't need a PC at all). But if you want to install IOS5, you WILL need a PC to do it.
I haven't synced in two months bc my mom reformatted my computer, and I don't want to lose everything. I'm waiting for icloud so I can back up then sync. Hopefully, all will b well I just got a bunch of apps that I don't care to reinstall.
I haven't synced in two months bc my mom reformatted my computer, and I don't want to lose everything. I'm waiting for icloud so I can back up then sync. Hopefully, all will b well I just got a bunch of apps that I don't care to reinstall.

iCloud won't save you from this problem I'm afraid. You will need to address it in order to be able to install IOS5 and get iCloud backups.

We have quite a few threads helping users in a similar situation if you search the site you should find them. You will need to use the "transfer purchases" option on iTunes.
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Yeah I am afraid now that by not syncing I will never receive updates like IOS 5 and the latest versions of iTunes and such. Geez I wish there was a device I could purchase a minimal amount to use for syncing.
Yeah I am afraid now that by not syncing I will never receive updates like IOS 5 and the latest versions of iTunes and such. Geez I wish there was a device I could purchase a minimal amount to use for syncing.

You might want to look into a cheap or second hand netbook which will probably do in a bind.

You could also consider going to an Apple Store once iOS5 is released. They will most likely install it for you on your device (you may need a genius bar appointment). You will lose all your settings, etc, but can download all your apps again from iTunes without paying. The advantage of this is that you will then be on IOS5 and have iCloud enabled so you can then live without a PC from then on. Whilst a fresh start will be a pain, it should only be a one time deal once you have IOS5.
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They are already transferred. I just haven't synced. I went through authorizations and stuff.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Check out craigslist for a cheap laptop or desktop so you can sync. I just bought a crazy deal, desktop, screen, netbook with stock battery and battery extender for like 550. There are cheaper laptops out there that you should be able to pick upon the cheap.
I went ahead and synced cuz I'm not a good jb maintenance person n the jb was crashing iPad. Padi looks like she just got out the box with the basic free apps.
Syncing will save you in the long run and you will be glad you did. Go to Frys and get yourself a cheap laptop, you should be able to find some for under $300.
Hi I thought u at least had to do that initially to set up iTunes, i thought there had to be a connection.? Also u didn't have
Any music you wanted on your iPad from the computer?
Thanks to Everyone for these great suggestions. I've had my iPad2 for about 4 months and I just love this forum!
Gabbysouth said:
Hi I thought u at least had to do that initially to set up iTunes, i thought there had to be a connection.? Also u didn't have
Any music you wanted on your iPad from the computer?

Gabby south. Not being able set up my iTunes to sync my iPod touch was the first thing that made realize I had an issue. But by that time I'd already given away my Dell desktop to my niece.I have quite a bit of music, videos and podcasts on my iPad touch.

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