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Document Storage App


iPF Noob
Hey everyone,

So basically im just about to start my tertiary education and my note taking choice is my ipad. However there are some documents i have at home, some scanned and some emailed that i would like to transfer to my ipad, is there any way i can email these documents to myself and save them to a certain app, or is there a similar method i should use?

Search for apps that support the document types you want to keep, and can do what you need with those documents (read, annotate, whatever). Without knowing that, it's hard to make suggestions.

GoodReader is a pretty good general file manager (to the extent that files can be managed on an iPad), and view most common file formats. If you have no idea where to start, this is a good starting place. Even if you settle on a more specific/powerful app latter, GoodReader has enough tricks up it's sleeve it will probably remain useful even when you have nothing specific you want to store in it.

Another possibility is to place the files on a cloud server like DropBox or Box.com. Then, as long as you have internet, you will be able to download them as needed. GoodReader (yes we like this app here) has some nice features when it comes to uploading/downloading from most of the popular cloud services.

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