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Hi, I have bought the new iPad, it's fun, I love the thing,
Though I work a lot on Microsoft files ie word and excel.
Which app can open those files? And even edit them?
Shall buying numbers and pages and keynote help me any way to read and edit the files?
P,ease help me out here.
Thank you
there are many apps out there that work to some degree. none will do it as well as the dreaded MS products but if you can live with some lilitations you can try Documents to go, or quick office pro HD this is what I use. apple also has their suite i-works I think is its name
Good luck
Pages and Keynote will open and allow you to work with some Office files. If the documents are not very complex, you can edit them, but you might lose fonts and other features. If you want max compatibility, you need to looks at Onlive Deskotp Plus. It gives you a Windows desktop on your ipad and you can run Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. But you need a good wifi connection to use it. And it helps greatly if yu have a BT keyboard.

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