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Domestic crisis looming - need help!

Tom W.

iPF Noob
Hi ... I'm very much a newbie and have created a situation which is building tension in the home:). Help is required to reintroduce peace to our household.

Looking to the future, I set up iCloud on our iPad2 ."Our" means my wife and me. She (aka SM = Senior Management) uses it 99% of the time. Relations became strained when it was discovered that all SM's sent e-mails had disappeared and that any e-mail she wished to send had to be sent using the iCloud address - unknown to all contacts. Also, while SM's orig Yahoo address is still listed, she has to activate it each time she wants to send an E-mail; this is something easily forgotten when in full flow! SM in full flow is a very frightening sight! Now it has been discovered that all family albums and pictures also now reside on iCloud and the mood here has turned distinctly ugly!

So - the question is how to get the situation back as it was a few days ago, when peace reigned in our tranquil home? How do I cancel iCloud and not lose the images, sent e-mails and whatever else (shopping lists, my obituary?) has been transferred to it.

Sorry for being so longwinded but I want you to be aware of how critically your help is needed. If you can help - please do. You might just prolong my stay on the planet:D

Tom W.
Go to Settings > iCloud and sign out. When/if prompted, tell it to keep data. If you don't really want it, you can delete it manually afterwards. If you follow this, nothing should be removed from the iPad, with the exception of PhotoStream. If there is something you want that is in PhotoStream, just use the Photos app to view and Save it to the camera roll first.

You also have the option of turning off each individual service in Settings > iCloud, and seeing what happens. That way you could keep the backups while disabling the mail account.

If for some reason something vital does disappear, you can always sign back into iCloud again and (probably) retrieve it. Probably means that anything truly vital should be backed up by some other method first. Say a Note that just can't be lost can be emailed to herself.

As for emails accidentally sent using iCloud, you can go to icloud.com on a computer browser and forward them back to the Yahoo account. Not the most efficient way, but it should work. Several other items can also be viewed/accessed directly from icloud.com: iWorks documents (if the option is turned on), Calendar, Mail, Reminders, and Notes.

If you decide you want to keep the iCloud account, but want to make sure emails get sent from Yahoo account by default, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars and change the Default account under Mail. You can do the same for Reminders and Calendars.

Default email works this way.

If you are in the All Inbox or VIP box, Mail will use the Default account for new emails.

If you are in one of the other account inboxes or folders, Mails uses that account to send.

When replying or forwarding, Mail sends using the account that received the mail.

At all times you can tap the From line in email and change the sending account.

Finally, you may want to talk up the SM on the advisability of purchasing a second iPad. The idea might fly better if you suggest you'd be fine with the older model. Strike while the iron is hot, but before she takes it out of the fire. ;)
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Many thanks twerppoet! Your advice is very helpful. All I have to do now is to try and put it into action. I have shown SM your reply. The steely glint of revenge in her eye faded momentarily so there could be hope.

Seriously - am very grateful.


Tom W.
Many thanks twerppoet! Your advice is very helpful. All I have to do now is to try and put it into action. I have shown SM your reply. The steely glint of revenge in her eye faded momentarily so there could be hope.

Seriously - am very grateful.


Tom W.

SM? That's not too bad. Well, everything is relative I guess. Now when it gets to SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) that just about puts the lid on it But you're both enjoying the iPad, that's the main thing.

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