Hi ... I'm very much a newbie and have created a situation which is building tension in the home
. Help is required to reintroduce peace to our household.
Looking to the future, I set up iCloud on our iPad2 ."Our" means my wife and me. She (aka SM = Senior Management) uses it 99% of the time. Relations became strained when it was discovered that all SM's sent e-mails had disappeared and that any e-mail she wished to send had to be sent using the iCloud address - unknown to all contacts. Also, while SM's orig Yahoo address is still listed, she has to activate it each time she wants to send an E-mail; this is something easily forgotten when in full flow! SM in full flow is a very frightening sight! Now it has been discovered that all family albums and pictures also now reside on iCloud and the mood here has turned distinctly ugly!
So - the question is how to get the situation back as it was a few days ago, when peace reigned in our tranquil home? How do I cancel iCloud and not lose the images, sent e-mails and whatever else (shopping lists, my obituary?) has been transferred to it.
Sorry for being so longwinded but I want you to be aware of how critically your help is needed. If you can help - please do. You might just prolong my stay on the planet
Tom W.

Looking to the future, I set up iCloud on our iPad2 ."Our" means my wife and me. She (aka SM = Senior Management) uses it 99% of the time. Relations became strained when it was discovered that all SM's sent e-mails had disappeared and that any e-mail she wished to send had to be sent using the iCloud address - unknown to all contacts. Also, while SM's orig Yahoo address is still listed, she has to activate it each time she wants to send an E-mail; this is something easily forgotten when in full flow! SM in full flow is a very frightening sight! Now it has been discovered that all family albums and pictures also now reside on iCloud and the mood here has turned distinctly ugly!
So - the question is how to get the situation back as it was a few days ago, when peace reigned in our tranquil home? How do I cancel iCloud and not lose the images, sent e-mails and whatever else (shopping lists, my obituary?) has been transferred to it.
Sorry for being so longwinded but I want you to be aware of how critically your help is needed. If you can help - please do. You might just prolong my stay on the planet

Tom W.