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Dont miss out on these FREE apps! pages, numbers, garage band, iMovie, iPhoto, Keynot

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iPF Novice
When you setup the new iPad Air via backup from the cloud, it does NOT put these apps on the ipad! Since the apple site says they are free, I called Apple today. I spent over 30 minutes with the tech until finally he found the solution. I had to go to the App Store, scroll to the bottom of the featured screen, then delete my user name. Next, I signed back into the App Store with my regular ID. Now, all 6 of the productivity apps showed up as "free" when I searched for them. Downloaded and installed! The tech admitted it was an issue with the cloud backup restore when upgrading from an older Ipad. Imagine how many upgraders are missing out on these free apps!)

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
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Thanks for letting me know. Mine is out for delivery today so I will be doing this later. Does GarageBand still require in app purchase for the "smart" instruments? And will the bonus apps be available for free on other devices using the same Apple ID?
Thanks for letting me know. Mine is out for delivery today so I will be doing this later. Does GarageBand still require in app purchase for the "smart" instruments? And will the bonus apps be available for free on other devices using the same Apple ID?

I am going to make the assumption that yes, once you've "bought" the free apps on your new idevice, they'll be available to download to any other idevice with the same Apple ID.

Don't know the the answer to the GarageBand question (I already own all these apps, so getting the new iPad didn't change anything for me). Sorry.

Thanks for letting me know. Mine is out for delivery today so I will be doing this later. Does GarageBand still require in app purchase for the "smart" instruments? And will the bonus apps be available for free on other devices using the same Apple ID?

Mesue, were you able to get the free apps? Did Apple fix the issue yet? Yes, I was able to get them on my older ipad also.

Sent from my iPad Air using iPF
Mesue, were you able to get the free apps? Did Apple fix the issue yet? Yes, I was able to get them on my older ipad also.

Sent from my iPad Air using iPF

Yes, I got them last night. Slow connection here, so it took a while. I followed your instructions so I don't know if it was fixed before I logged out and back in. And it appears GarageBand does still require in-app purchase for the smart instruments, except for guitar.
Thanks for letting me know. Mine is out for delivery today so I will be doing this later. Does GarageBand still require in app purchase for the "smart" instruments? And will the bonus apps be available for free on other devices using the same Apple ID?

I can't confirm this from first-hand experience, but I have heard that while these apps are free to those who purchase a new Apple device, then add-ons are not.

However, once you get the app on one platform, you get it on all other devices you have on that platform (iOS vs OS X). I own all the apps on iOS except Numbers, so this is no biggie to me.
I just downloaded the three iWork apps on my new iPhone 5S and. I can definitely confirm that they are now available to all my iOS devices. Here is a screenshot of the purchased list from my iPad 4, showing the three apps at the top of the list. image-2807905677.webp
Yeah, I was definitely frustrated trying to use my older iPhone 5 to download them for free.... doh. Finally figured out to connect with my iPad Air and they were all free. Now I can get them across my entire account.
I notice that the free garage band is not the full edition, you have to pay another $4:99 for the comprehensive version. just a heads up.
Also, I downloaded the office suite and all that works great but if I want it on my MacBook Pro I still have to pay for it so it does not transfer from device to device.. Unless I guess it does for OS7 devices. I am not interested in phones so don't have an iPhone, just a luddite cheap phone!
I notice that the free garage band is not the full edition, you have to pay another $4:99 for the comprehensive version. just a heads up. Also, I downloaded the office suite and all that works great but if I want it on my MacBook Pro I still have to pay for it so it does not transfer from device to device.. Unless I guess it does for OS7 devices. I am not interested in phones so don't have an iPhone, just a luddite cheap phone!
The iWork apps become available to all iOS devices you own after you download the free versions on a qualifying device, such as a new iPad Air.
I have to say, I bought the iPad and completely forgot about the fact they are Free lol, thanks for reminding me

Add - I also had this problem and your solution fixed it, seems to be a common problem.

Sticky thread. Ty
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Yep......followed your step by step instructions on my iPad Air......and woohoo, FREE APPS !
Thanks for taking the time to share this helpful advice !
There is no free apps. Im still have to pay either i already bought a new ipad.

Hi and welcome to the Forum!

Is your new iPad the iPad Air? If so, you should be able to download these apps for free.

Did you follow the advice above?
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