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Double Images in Camera Roll


iPF Noob
Ok, this may sound stupid but it's a crazy problem that's occurred twice so far and I can't find a answer anywhere.
I've tried to run through the forum and entered it into advanced search but I don't know if I did it right.

I have an iPad 2/32k/3G operating on ios6.1.2, (yes, I know I should have stayed with 5.2!!) with over 9,000 pics
in camera roll, (shoot me I'm stupid!)

Here's the problem and it's weird: inserted a pic,(gif) last night through save image to my camera roll to em to a friend
but when I called it up on thumb nails I could see it was layered over another photo but when I brought it up to page
it was clean. I could clearly see the other pic below it but only in thumbnails so I couldn't blow it up but I recognized it.
It was the last pic on the page and in the album and its occurred before in the same place same way with a reg. pic.
I sent off the image in the em and verified by bc myself that it was clean and operating properly which it couldn't have
done if it was sent with the other pic enclosed.
As I didn't know what was going on I tried to find the underlying pic in my roll but since it's so large and it was already
3 am so I had to give up.
I hard booted the pad, can't remember if it was still double imaged,(so stupid but I was exhausted!) after but I then
called it up and deleted it; I'm yet to know if the underlaying image is still in my roll. Do intend to try and find it again

I'm sorry this is so long and so weird for my first question but I can't seem to find a similar problem anywhere.
Anybody have any ideas? Thank You
There is a known bug that pops up with some apps when they export to the camera roll.

If the image file has an alpha channel (transparent elements) its thumbnail may show up overlaying a thumbnail from an older (usually deleted) image. It has no affect on the actual image file or attachment, so it's mostly just an annoyance.

This has been happening since iOS 5 (if not earlier), so it's highly unlikely that your upgrade to 6.1.2 has anything to do with it. Happens to me all the time using Paper by 53, whenever I choose the transparent background mode when saving to the camera roll.
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Thank you for your help Re. my double image problem and for not making fun of my overloaded camera roll.
I don't know if I had processed the underlying pic through Photo Toaster or not. I'm not familiar with the term 'transparent elements'
but to tell you the truth I generally only use two photo apps usually Photo Toaster & Text Here, somtimes but rarely, Photo Pal for more refinement if I'm feeling brave.
I do think there's a possibility that picture was from a processor as it was the last in the roll but I couldn't swear to where it was from
because I've yet to find it in the roll, I just hope I didn't lose it. You basically said with this type of glitch the pics are ok so I'm feeling
that the pic is still in the abum somewhere. Do have a Good Day Sir and Thanks Again for your help.
No problem. Please let us know if you figure out what's going on.

And I hope you've been keeping copies of those pictures somewhere besides the iPad. That's a lot of pictures to lose if something goes wrong with it.
All I do is backup to the cloud once a week, do you think that's ok. I don't have a regular computer, I do everything on the iPad
Even installing ios5.2 was done by the Geeksquad at Best Buy!
No. That is not enough.

The problem with iCloud is that it is an all or nothing restore. You can't retrieve just your pictures. You have to restore the entire iPad. It also overwrites the backup each time; which means if you lose photos and accidentally do a backup before you realize it, they are gone.

Ideally you should have your important stuff in at least three locations, one of which should be physically remote. A good cloud or photo storage service will provide one of those locations and the remote; provided you don't live next door to their servers.

I'd consider Flickr for this, myself. They have been making some major improvements lately, and have excellent privacy and sharing controls, as well as good organizing tools. The free account will do if you're patient (there are monthly bandwidth limits). The paid account would be ideal, and worth it if you're going to keep adding to your collection.

On the other hand, the Picasa service through Google is free, and will probably handle even your large number of photos.

There are dozens of others, so look around; but I'd make a decision soon and start using something if those photos are important to you.

Whatever you use, be sure your upload options are set to Originals, so you don't take a hit on image quality.

Good luck.
Now I'm nervous! Can this all be done through wifi? What about one of those plug in things through the USB, can I use one of those to
back up my info.? If I do send all these pics out for secure storage everything remains complete on the pad, yes?

Thanks Again
Sure, you can do it through wi-fi; though it may take a while, depending on your connection. You don't have to do them at once.

Everything remains on the iPad unless you delete it yourself. Apps that upload to online services can not delete the original.

I did not mean to make you nervous, well, I guess I did, a bit. While iPads are reasonably reliable, all computers are subject to the occasionally problem, and mobile device is subject to the physical hazard of being carried around as well. Better I make you (just a bit) nervous now than you learn the hard way that even the best toys sometimes break.

There are other hardware solutions, AirStash, USB devices, and such; usually requiring a third party app to work. Go ahead and research them. I can't add much, since I don't use any.
First of all and most importantly, Thank You Sir.
Most admittedly you gave me a wake up call and I appreciate it. Only last night I spent almost two hours trying to recover book samples and free offerings from Amazon Kindle for iPad that mysteriously disappeared into the land of the nether. I of course assumed this had
occurred because I had dumped my cache & cookies a few day before.
No, the problem was more simple than that and may it be a warning to all who read this though they most probably know.
I had helped a friend with her misbehaving iPhone, (oh yes, the blind leading the blind!) get herself reconnected to Apple/iTunes and her Gmail acct. and at the same time I loaded up Pandora and gave her my 'Amazon Cloud Music' by making her iPhone 1 of my devices so
she'd have some more choices; in hindsight this may have been an error. Problem was Amzon titled her addition as my second iPad I would have thought it might have been titled iPhone so I could tell the difference? Long and short of it when sending books out to my pad they were going to her unit not mine, (my mistake not knowing how the process worked) so I had assumed they were lost and of course contacted Amazon, (poor Cust.Serv. could hardly keep up with my em's as I weeded out my own mistakes!) and they responded
to each trying to help. Eventually I got it all straight after mixing it all up again finally renaming her phone by name and clarifying my
pad and cloud as distinct separate entities from hers.

That was last night. Prior to this when on a site that had a YouTube video that was directed to me it would pop up with her em address
and prompt me to enter her p/word rather than going to my web YouTube acct., (them damn cookies!) which I couldn't dump without
her p/word! I Ending up dumping my cache and cookies which entailed even more work as I had to re-identity my self to all past visited
sites; leastwise I had got the ghost out of the machine. Oh yeah, neglected to mention this same person went to a another friends house
so the friend could download some music into her phone for her. They re-identified her phone by her friends iTunes acct. and actually managed to dump all her friend's contacts and personal info into her phone but no music. Oh yes they did a back up of her phone to the friends computer but nothing to ITunes or the cloud. This was the mess I had got myself into! Stiil in her friends computer and yet to be
recovered; 1,000 photos, all her music, and all her own contact info. Her girlfriend had a breakup and moved from the complex so good
luck on that one...glad I'm not in that part!

You probably well know how all this occurred and most probably would have avoided all this and that is the reason that I am here saying
all too much about too little and paying attention to your every word like a littlun at his first fireworks display!

Sorry so long, I will take my time looking into everything you mentioned and apprise you of the final outcome but most probably I'll
be back before then yet I guarantee it won't be to say that my gizillon pics are lost in a friends computer!
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If you have not already downloaded the latest Kindle app, hold off. There is a bug that will remove your books from the iPad. You can download them again, of course, but it's annoying. I updated before seeing Amazon's announcement, but have not opened the app yet. Hopefully not opening until the next update (due soon) will keep me from having to re-download my titles.

The above has already been addressed with another update today 27 Feb.

Switching iTunes accounts to share music is an extremely gray area. Family members are allowed to share iTunes accounts, according to the EULA (End User License Agreement), but that's all. Passing your iTunes purchased music around to friends is stealing; cheating the artists of their lively hood.

These days there are many ways to get music for free or darn cheap on iOS devices; Spottify, Pandora, Shazam, etc. Stealing it has never been justifiable. Now it's not even convenient, relatively.
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I just downloaded the Kindle app update, this afternoon.

Then you're ok, as am I. Apparently it's already been fixed with another update today.

I saw a warning in the update text yesterday, on my iPhone; so I waited. This morning I noticed the update on the iPad, did not see the warning in the descriptions, so I downloaded it. Then saw some news articles about the problem.

Apparently the update that fixed the problem has outpaced the news stories.

It is now safe to update. Probably. ;)
Appears as if I opened a can of worms there! First re. Kindle for iPad: all my books have been reloaded and are secure on
my iPad. After this I will check for the amazon notice re. the kindle app. I will say this, in all my to and fros from Amazon Cust. Serv.
re. my lost books no mention was made about an iPad glitch, that's not to say that there isint one but at present my books are where they belong.

Now, what I mentioned about my friend and her friend on her computer was just in passing about the foibles of the shared joys of
computers when you don't know what you're doing and sad as it is to say losing 1000 of her personal photos should be punishment
enough for trying to get some iTunes!

I did run through the forum rules today which I probably should have done early and rest assured I was not advocating stealing iTunes.
I mentioning loading up Pandora on my friends iPhone and I really don't know the legality of calling her iphone one of my devices.
Since I paid for the music in 'my' cloud and that is the only music that she can listen to because 1 click is not enabled on her phone I
don't feel as if I'm cheating Amazon; she can't even draw free music without that turned on.

Enough of that. I did look into Flickr today but its probably going to take some time to apprise myself of all the fine options you
mentioned to aid in protecting my photo collection. I most certainly intend to find something that may work as I now realise the risk I'm taking in only having my pics on the pad and in the cloud.

Thank you once again for all your assistance.
No problem.

I did not mean to be personally pushy on the iTunes issue, but do feel it is important to speak up when the subject comes up; otherwise people might get the impression that it's 'ok' by default.

Please keep us informed about you you go about securing your photos. It's bound to be helpful to someone.

Good luck.
Thanks for your response, I can stop sniffiling now! Yes Sir I did understand why you mentioned iTunes; to tell you the truth other than apps from them I really don't purchase much else, (I'm a AMAZ. Junkie!).

Re. Kindle for iPad; I shut down my friend's iPhone as 1 of my devices. Though I don't mind letting her listen to my music, (if it doesn't
bore her!) I don't see the need to have my books accessable on anything other than my Fire, iPad, and Cloud.
I've yet to look up details about the Kindle/iPad glitch but I did notice that others had mentioned that it appeared resolved at present.

I will most certainly let you know about any ventures with the photo save programs but that one scares me as much as upgrading to
ios5 with the geek guys at best did!

Oh yes, I figured out that 'like' icon and thanked everyone who welcomed me and offered assistance.

Might you let me know about picture and avatar that you put on your page; what is the difference? I looked up a avitar site but don't
know why there are two options on the page. I've never done one, not even on Amazon but I'd like to play with them if it's not too
complex for a novice.

Do have a good day Sir and TC ....

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