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Downgrade to IOS 3.2.2


iPF Noob
I just purchased a load of Ipads, great devices except for one massive problem as I see it. Apple's forced upgrade to IOS 4.2.1. I have an application that does not work with 4.2.1 and I need all my Ipads to be running 3.2.2. How do I accomplish this?? I've tried editing my Hosts file to point gs.apple.com to the IP addresses I've seen and I still get the same error 3194 message when I try to downgrade to 3.2.2 after putting the unit(s) in DFU mode and restoring from an ipsw file.

Is there a way to downgrade to 3.2.2 on tablets that came natively with 4.2.1??
Not that I know of unless you saved a copy of SHSH-Blob. I wonder what app is that,as every app that runs in iOS3.2.2 will run in 4.2 and onward,though some have strange crashing and glitches. Maybe you email the app author asking for an update to make the app stabilize in iOS4.2.1 .

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