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Downgraded and now I don't have....


iPF Noob
A few of the apps I purchased. I see them in iTunes, but why didn't they sync back on the iPad?

I need to know how to select from iTunes what I want to put ON my iPad. Can we do that?
Col climbs up on the fence looks around looking for missing apps for Marie found them! Hops on over grabbing each one and put's them into his pouch...............lol

Attached iPad to computer with iTunes open select tab applications for iPad on rh side of tabs click on which apps you want to sync ...... Do same for music......pictures ...... And movies..... Then sync and bingo all will be good......

Now can I go back to sleep it's 3 am Friday morning. Lol.

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I am so happy you got your "old" iPad back Marie!!!

When I UPgraded, I had to reboot my iPad and sync it again after installing the software before I could see all of my "stuff" back where it was. Go figure!
Col climbs up on the fence looks around looking for missing apps for Marie found them! Hops on over grabbing each one and put's them into his pouch...............lol

Attached iPad to computer with iTunes open select tab applications for iPad on rh side of tabs click on which apps you want to sync ...... Do same for music......pictures ...... And movies..... Then sync and bingo all will be good......

Now can I go back to sleep it's 3 am Friday morning. Lol.



Yes! You may go back to sleep.:D
Now can I go back to sleep it's 3 am Friday morning. Lol.

You could move to America where it is only Thursday afternoon! Look at all the extra time you would have! And besides that, our sinks, tubs and toilets all drain in the proper direction!

At the time of your post it was only Thursday morning here! Neeener that means I'm younger!

Me too! I am missing Yahtzee and my clip art app. I use these two all the time. How come all of my other apps made it when I downgraded, but not those two?

Marie if nothing else you can just redownload them via your ipad you won't be recharged. I bet what happened is the backup that was used to restore did not have those apps synced yet.... Consider yourself lucky because mine refused to restore from backup and I had to start all over...
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Marie if nothing else you can just redownload them via your ipad you won't be recharged. I bet what happened is the backup that was used to restore did not have those apps synced yet.... Consider yourself lucky because mine refused to restore from backup and I had to start all over...

Yes! That's right! I can just get them back from the app store on my pad!

Brenn, man, I love ya, woman!! I wonder if anything else is missing....
LOL on wondering what else is missing... you won't know til you go to use it then you'll be like HUH?? dang. :mad:
I've been out of the loop (life happened)...SweetPoison, what do you mean downgraded? Did you jailbreak and want to come back to the Apple side?
I've been out of the loop (life happened)...SweetPoison, what do you mean downgraded? Did you jailbreak and want to come back to the Apple side?

I have wondered where you have been! You have been missed. Yep, what Brenn said. Went to the dark side and there were no cookies. So I had to come back.

So ~ you can undo a JB? Interesting....like if there were no cookies I can come back?

Okay guys ~

Now in the app store on my iPad, my daughter's account is popping up so I logged out on the computer and signed in with mine and hers is still on my iPad.

How can I change that? Cuz I'm not finding it.:(.

And I'm going through yahtzee withdraw!

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