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Download Photos from ipad issue


iPF Noob
Hi there...

Hope somone can help

My Ipad has photos uploaded to it. The PC that uploaded the photos has since crashed and lost the orginal photos. How do I download the photos from the Ipad back to the PC (or another PC) without losing them. When I reconnect there is only a synch option for upload from the PC to iPad not the other way around.

Cheers A
When you connect to the computer, you should get a windows box with options...the computer will see your iPad as an external drive and you can copy the photos from it to your computer
i was just about to ask the same question here. I'm trying to download some photos from my ipad to laptop while i'm on a trip. My main pc at home is what i normally transfer files to my ipad.

i can't get a box to pop up when i connect my ipad to the laptop. I only get itunes to start automatically.

is there a way to turn on autoplay in xp??? is there another way to access the photos on the ipad? any apps out there??
I use the "Photo Transfer App" ($2.99 at the App Store). It uses a web-based interface to let you transfer photos between your iPad and another PC ... or even another device.

Very handy for when you don't have access to your own (iTunes account) PC/Mac.

For example, say I want to send photos to another PC. First, copy all the photos you want to transfer (from the iPad's Photo Library). Then, open the app, select the action you want to do and it'll give you a web address to type into your PC'S address bar. Once you type in, the photos will be there, downloadable individually or as a zip file.

So far, works great for me. YMMV.

same issue, need more info

so there is the 2.99 photo transfer app option one person suggested...I think I can use mobile me gallery app for the same thing...but I have concerns about keeping the original resolution and file size of the photos (my photos taken with 5mp kodak camera):(...any other suggestions? with camera connection kit, can you transfer from ipad to the camera sd card maybe???

I synced all 2000 (1.8 gb) of photos to my ipad from an imac that I returned to Best Buy, thinking I could use my ipad to transfer the photos back to another PC (I now have windows 7 laptop).

I have autoplay turned on as default for all devices, but my pc doesnt recognise my ipad as a device in control panel/autoplay, and no window pops up to give me an option to transfer files!! Help!!
photo transfer app works!!

Anyone who has this problem pay attention to Marylin's post about the $2.99 app called photo transfer app, in the app store...it works!

--It transfers up to 64 photos at one time in about 5-10 seconds flat at full resolution and file size!

--it doesn't upload to an online photo gallery website, it uses the "local network" that your computer and ipad are both on.

--it is sooooo easy and user friendly...

--Thanks Marylin for the awesome recommendation!!
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you guys for your help

Unfortunately I could not get my laptop to recognise the Ipad as a camera and could not offload the photos that way

Marilyn, Photo Transfer App worked just fine great reccomendation. Only issue with it is that the names of the photos all get changed to a random name and you also loose the date the photos were taken so you can no longer order the photos when they are back on the PC.
for anyone else that has this problem, depending on how many you have, you could always email them to yourself. a pain i know but at least you will still have them. there are also free programs that will allow you access to your ipad to pull off photos, music etc. a google search should net more than a few results.

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