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Downloading in mp4 format.


iPF Noob

can someone tell me please if a film or video that has been downloaded onto the computer in mp4 format can be transferred onto my ipad 1

when I tried to do this onto my touch it wouldn't let me. I use a program called videora to do the neccessary between the download (onto the pc) and then putting into my itunes library.

thanks for the reply...

I found the problem...it wasn't the ipad it's the programme I use to covert the films that I download.
It seems that videora doesn't believe in mp4 downloads....which is a shame because videora is easy to use...might need to find another way of doing it.
thanks for the reply...

I found the problem...it wasn't the ipad it's the programme I use to covert the films that I download.
It seems that videora doesn't believe in mp4 downloads....which is a shame because videora is easy to use...might need to find another way of doing it.

If you downloaded a video file in MP4 format, it might already be in an iPad-compatible format, and doesn't need conversion at all. Try dragging your original MP4 into the iTunes library and see if it likes that.

One thing to keep in mind is the resolution.

The iPad1 doesn't like files that are larger than 1280x720, and unless your iPod Touch is a 4th or 5th generation, it will not like videos larger than 720x480 (the 4th and 5th gen iPod Touch do play 720p video files).

Videora should do the trick for those files, but if you are having a hard time, you can try DVD Catalyst 4. Just select your iPad (or iPod Touch) model, drag your file(s) over and tap Go, and it will take care of the rest.

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