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Dream Zoo APP Problems

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iPF Noob
After reaching about level 36 with a very large zoo the APP will no longer allow me to expand so that I can add animals for the next level. Also, after receiving many notifications informing me that zoo babies' births were accellerated by neighbors, I found the births were actually never accelerated. I contacted support and the only thing they could tell me to do was reset the the game and update the APP. I did this even before contacting support and the problem is still there. I contacted support again and they are at a loss as to what is causing the problem and said they would get back to me. Still waiting ... and very frustrated. Also, I noticed that the program tends to crash when I am trying to visit neighboring zoos and I must restart it. Wondering if anyone else has experienced any of these issues.
Dream Zoo

I am having the exact same problems! I have not contacted support, but I am really frustrated. It took a while to get this far and now I'm stuck! Please let me know if you find out any information.
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