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Dropbox and movies quesion


iPF Novice
Hi all.

I have just had a brainstorm and was wondering if anyone has tried this.

One thing that has REALLY bugged me with the iPad 2 from the beginning is that if I want to watch a movie on the iPad I have to load it onto the iPad and as a result devouring large chunks of memory.

Now to the question, has anyone tried this before?

What if I load several movies into Dropbox via my PC and then access those movies on my iPad, again using Dropbox, would I be able to view them on the iPad?

Dropbox works with these files: image-3174212121.webp

I dont't store movies in Dropbox, but I had a few short videos there and was able to watch them. When you intend to save movies to the online storage, keep in mind that free storage space is limited.
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And, to add: you have to have an internet connection as, in effect, you are streaming the movies from Dropbox.

But, yeah, as J.A. said, it works (I've streamed some short clips myself).

I would be wary of any laws in effect that may see your uploading the videos to a server as pirating the videos. I'm not sure this is a huge concern but worth looking into if you wish to stay on the good side of the law.
One thing that has REALLY bugged me with the iPad 2 from the beginning is that if I want to watch a movie on the iPad I have to load it onto the iPad and as a result devouring large chunks of memory.

Now to the question, has anyone tried this before?

What if I load several movies into Dropbox via my PC and then access those movies on my iPad, again using Dropbox, would I be able to view them on the iPad?

For an alternate, there are a number of Wi-Fi storage devices that will permit 'streaming' of movies from SD cards, USB thumb drives, or USB HD depending on the device - these typically setup their own Wi-Fi networks to which your iPad connects - check out THIS THREAD for a few ideas - good luck! Dave :)
Hi Guys.

Thanks for all the imput. You have pointed out some things I did not think of, and in addition, given me alternatives to explore. So it looks like Dropbox is out and something like RAVPower, Air Stash or iUSBport be in. I will have to do a bit of research into these devices as I have not heard of these before.

Would it not have been nicer if the iPad had a USB connection built into it. It would then have made ipad into a true legend.

Put them in iTunes on your computer, set up home sharing, then stream them to your iPad from the computer. (only works if you are on the same WiFi as the computer, but works well)
Hi there again.

I have been reading about the RAVPower Filehub, as I want access to my movies whilst traveling but there are two questions that I cannot seem to get an answer for thus far and that is, what it the range of this device and, can I use my iPad wall socket charger to charge the device?

Thanks for the tip zstair*

Hi there again.

I have been reading about the RAVPower Filehub, as I want access to my movies whilst traveling but there are two questions that I cannot seem to get an answer for thus far and that is, what it the range of this device and, can I use my iPad wall socket charger to charge the device?

Hi Janset - I cannot comment on the RAV..... device in your question above (do not own it) - I just have the AirStash: 1) AirStash sets up its own local Wi-Fi network using the 802.11 b/g/n protocol so the range is about a hundred feet (w/ a lot of variation - google the protocols); and 2) AirStash is charged via a USB connection, a powered computer connection is fine but the USB AC charger for my iPad 2 works well also. Hope this helps - Dave :)
Hi there.
Does the air stash that you have, have a USB or flash card reading capability, so that it will read movies?

Hi there.
Does the air stash that you have, have a USB or flash card reading capability, so that it will read movies?

The AirStash uses SD cards only, but these come in large capacities these days - the size of the device & the cards makes for a compact package to carry on the road. Other devices will accept USB inputs, if that is what you desire - again there is plenty of information in the link that I gave (and there are some 'stickies' on the forum discussing several of these devices). Dave
Hi Giradman .i will have a re read of your link again, but going along the lines of my current thinking, it is favouring the RAVPower as I have a very good supply of USB storage devices that I was to make good use of.

The only real problem at the moment is finding an outlet that sells the RAVPower on line for a reasonable cost, and one that will post to West Australia, again, at a reasonable cost. Some of the outlets that I found (mainly from the USA) want to charge an arm and a leg. :(

Hi Giradman .i will have a re read of your link again, but going along the lines of my current thinking, it is favouring the RAVPower as I have a very good supply of USB storage devices that I was to make good use of.

The only real problem at the moment is finding an outlet that sells the RAVPower on line for a reasonable cost, and one that will post to West Australia, again, at a reasonable cost. Some of the outlets that I found (mainly from the USA) want to charge an arm and a leg. :(

Hi again - all 3 products mentioned are available here from Amazon USA (w/ Prime no shipping charge) - just curious, but what would be the shipping charge to you ordering from Amazon for one of the devices under discussion? Dave :)
Hi girdman.

This is an exremely frustrated and dejected response. I am almost at the point of tearing my hair out. To cut a long story short, for some reason or other, today I cannot seem to find any site other than Amazon that sells /ships to West Oz, or Australia at all. So as a consequence I took the bit between my teeth and actualy opened an Amazon account just to buy this device only to be told at the very end of things that they do not ship the RAVPower to my location...GRRRRRRR!!

Back to your question. I will have to go from memory as to postage costs. The sites that I did find in the past, again were in the US, and the postage worked out to be anything from 1/4 to a 1/3 of the purchase price.

So I guess I will have to sit in for the long haul and just keep looking and hoping and I may just get lucky. I suppose I can always fall back to the way we do things here in Australia and that is to tie together with string two tin cans and use that, after all we, here in Oz we are very progressive. ;)


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Well Guys I did it.

It would appear that on one of the sites I surfed happened to be the actual RAVPower Filehub site, and by chance I sent them an email asking how I could make a purchase from Australia seeing that everything that I found relating to this device did not post to Oz.

I actually received a reply in which they advised that they do not have an agent in Australia but they would sell to me direct, and after a few back and forth emails I was advised that I could make a payment with Paypal via the actual Paypal site. To assist they sent me their Paypal registered email address as required by Paypal for a transaction. From there on it was all downhill.

I finished paying with my Mastercard via Paypal and the cost of the device, (US) $44.90, postage and handling, (US) $ 15. So I am now a happy camper, the postage was very reasonable also. :)

I was advised that postage will most likely be effected on the 3rd and they will advise accordingly.

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