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DuckDuckGo is my Default Browser; Safari taking over!


iPF Novice
I have DuckDuckGo selected in the iPad System Settings as the Default browser, yet sometimes / often, it’s Safari that leaps into action, say, highlighting a word, tap and press, one of the choices is “Search the Web,” a feature I just used, to discover that Safari, and not my declared default browser, DuckDuckGo, was the browser which opened after that request.

Is there something more to getting the iPad to recognize that the default browser is what I chose (DuckDuckGo) and not Safari? Perhaps Safari is so deeply woven into the operating system that it will “take over” despite User settings?

Thank you
The ability to choose a default browser is fairly new on iPadOS. There are probably quiet a few features that were hard coded to use Safair and have yet to be updated to look for a default browser. Menu items like Look Up and Search are probably among them.

Where it should reliably work at this point is when you do something in a third party app that used to take you to Safari. But, a lot of third party apps use a built-in browser that is basically a Safari window in the app, so it can be difficult to tell what is going on. Some of those apps also have their own setting to choose the default browser that ignores/overrides the system setting.

Or, for short, it's a confusing work-in-progress thing.

Since I done want/need a third part browser, i haven't experimented with what does and does not work; so I'm just speculating.

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