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DVD to iPad Converter - what do you use?


iPF Noob
I'm interested in ripping my own DVDs to put on my iPad but want to know what you're using. I've looked at Aiseesoft and it's ok but it creates small files for every title and I'm not sure which one to import into iTunes.

I've used PQDVD for my iPhon/iPod and it just creates one file and is very straight forward (it doesn't support the iPad yet).

Any suggestions? TIA
Not sure of you are on a Mac or a Windows computer, but my suggestion would be for DVD Catalyst.

It seems to only be made for Windows.

It does a great job ripping and converting DVD's to video files. It has built-in formats for almost all devices I can think of and they just added the iPad to the list of presets.

Tools4Movies, Official home of DVD Catalyst

As far as Mac programs - I really have no idea.
Mac or Windows?

Mac - Mac the Ripper to get source and or Visual Hub to convert

Handbrake is also good
Awesome thanks everyone! I decided to stick with Aiseesoft as this forum went down for maintenance shortly after I posted my question. No worries though as Aiseesoft is okay now that I've been using it for a bit. But I appreciate all of the feedback! (I'm using Windows btw - I need to remember to specify that in the future. lol)
I need some help trying to rip the avatar dvd (not the bluray). I tried using handbrake and the appletv preset and it came out all pixelated. Other thean the appletv preset should I be changing any other settings?
As far as I know, Handbrake for Mac most people use has some problems like your Aiseesoft, it will update to support iPad... maybe a long way, so if you can't wait, use my recommendation: WinX DVD Ripper for Mac ... it's nice... ;)
This is the second time I have seen you post this info. What problems does handbrake have? I have used it on a Mac and PC. IMHO, it works great.

There is no reason to pay for software to convert DVDs for your iPad.

I posted this in another thread, but since some may have not have seen it I am quoting it here.

The best method I have found for converting DVDs to an iPad friendly format requires 2 programs. First is a ripper. This program will copy the DVD to your hard drive and remove the copy protection. The second program is a video encoder/converter. Here are the ones I am familiar with. They are all free.

Mac Ripping Program: Mac the Ripper
Windows Ripping Program: DVD Decrypter
(may be better ones. I haven't used it in years)
Video encoder: Handbrake

Handbrake has a preset for AppleTV. This is the one I use to encode for my iPad.

BTW, if you want to convert a Blueray, you can use MakeMKV to rip to an MKV file. Handbrake can then convert to an iPad friendly format.
Great question...I use a PC and want to rip some dvd's onto my iPad as well! Thanks for asking...I was about to post a thread as well.
For windows I've been using Magic DVD ripper - you get (4) full uses before it asks for registration ($30).

It both rips and creates an iPad friendly .mp4 file in one step. About 1.5 hours per DVD to complete (on my 3 year old computer). Supports multiple audio tracks and multi-angle DVDs. Also will work from video files on your hard disk.
After trying a lot of different software, I went with Wondershare DVD Converter Ultimate. It is easy to use, very customizable, can preview what you are about to convert, can set mark ins and outs per clip (in case your dvd has a single file that contains multiple episodes), and best of all you can queue up conversions... not just for one dvd, but for many dvds (if you have your dvds already copied to a drive). The queue feature was important to me as I am usually converting anime dvds with multiple episodes per dvd. I select all the episodes, set what I want each filename to be, queue them up and walk away. Wondershare supports multiprocessors and will process two items in the queue simultaneously.

I use the following settings:
128kbps AAC audio
The output mp4s look as good as the original dvds. I kept the resolution at 640x480 instead of 720x480 so that I can also load the movies onto my video iPod, although I still haven't tested if my iPod will accept video bitrates > 1500kbps. Each of the anime episodes are about 22 mins long and come out to 280-350mb.

And before some says "you should of used handbrake, it's free" I've been using handbrake for a long time. Although it is great for a free program it does not provide the ease of use or quality that this Wondershare program does. If you don't want to spend any money, use handbrake. If you plan on processing a lot of videos and are willing to pay for a better experience, I recommend Wondershare.

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