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Dvd's to ipad


iPF Noob
Hi everyone, I recently got an iPad and I really want to use it to watch my DVD collection. I know people have asked this before and I have tried to do it with a converter called 'handbreak',that everyone is recommending, But it's taking about 10 hours to convert a DVD to mp4 format !! Now I'm not a tech geek,but isn't this a bit too long.......lol
I really want to get this right because I have 4 kids that always take over the tv,so it would be great to have my film collection on my iPad.
Thanks in advance :)
I speed up the process by ripping using DVD shrink, then converting the rip to ipad format using handbrake. the whole process takes me an average of around 30mins for a feature film
Is that another programme for my laptop........sorry I'm no good at this sort of stuff :)
Fancy doing me an idiots guide.....lol
It's a free down load for your desktop/laptop. No guide needed. Very simples. If stuck, a quick read of the help fie will sort you out.
There is an iPad preset in handbrake.
When ripping DVD with handbrake, you'd better close any unnecessary tasks in your computer.
I have had successful experience with handbrake. It took about 1 hour for ripping a 4.7GB DVD movie to iPad preset.
There is also other programs to rip DVD for iPad. ie

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