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E Mail issues


iPF Noob

New to IPADs and this forum. Have a small problem with E Mail. I use GMail and now that my IPAD recieves this mail I can no longer see it on my desk top. Is there some way so that it appears on both. Main reason is that I cannot print from my IPAD:confused:

If you mean that emails are being deleted off the server when you receive them on the iPad, then set your email account on the iPad to never delete from the server... Settings, Mail, email acct., Advanced
Already accessed that screen but it does not give the option. The Mails on the server are only deleted if I open them on my IPAD
Go into your Google Email settings on the site, and make sure you have IMAP turned on. If you did not, you may need to remove and add zthe account again after making the change. I am not sure.

There is an alternate way to set up your Gmail account using the Exchange setup. This may work better for you. It will let you sync your Google contacts and multiple calendars as well.


For multiple calendars be sure to follow the link at the bottom of the instructions.
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