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Eclectic equipment, ipad newbie


iPF Noob
Hi there. Long-time mac user, but computer experience going back to commodores and punch cards (fortran). Currently using a macbook, a win7 desktop, an android phone - DroidX on Vz, and now awaiting my 32gb/3g/att ipad2.

A question for ambidextrous computer users - do you prefer synching your ipad with your windows machine or mac?

iTunes on the Mac is more stable than the Windows version, or at least it has been in the past. It also offers the ability to sync with iPhoto albums and smart albums (or Aperture).

That said, if most of your content that you want on you iPad is on the Windows machine you may be better off there.

There are other small bonuses to using he OS X version of iTunes, but nothing so outstanding that they will should influence your choices more than the fist two points.
I have only ever used my pc, I don't mind it, only problems I have had is when updating itunes, for some reason it won't update unless i go and download it myself and install. Other than that I don't have any issues with it.
David79 said:
I have only ever used my pc, I don't mind it, only problems I have had is when updating itunes, for some reason it won't update unless i go and download it myself and install. Other than that I don't have any issues with it.


I had the same issue. For me it was an issue of the Bonjour services not being installed ( I choice not to install them during the original installation ). Once I installed the bonjour service from apple it installed updates with no issues. Basically the updated was looking for bonjour services to update and would hang when it didn't find them.
Definitely mac, if both are available.

iTunes on Windows does have the tendency to experience unexplained slowdowns. It doesn't even let me browse through the installed apps list without stuttering.

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