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Editing Word docs on Ipad


iPF Noob
We are trying to use Ipad for documenting in our clinic. We have created docs on desktop computer using Word. Docs have drop down boxes to enter info. We have gotten the docs onto Ipad. I have Docs To Go, Evernote, Pages, and QuickOffice Pro apps on Ipad, but I can't access drop down boxes in docs. Any helpful info is appreciated. Thanks.
Unfortunately, as you've found, the 'Word-compatible' apps for the iPad have only limited functionality and don't support the full range of Word features. Drop-down boxes are one of the not-support features that most (all?) of the iPad 'Word-compatible' apps are deficient in.

If you were to re-author the document so that the boxes didn't 'drop down' but were simply presented on the screen, then you could convert these to PDF. There are then several apps that can fill in text fields, check boxes etc in a PDF document - for example iAnnotate and SignMyPad.

I hope at some point soon having the ability to "track changes" while doc editing becomes available. I love iPad but it is the one feature that really hurts complete use, and truly being paper free on the road.

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