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Eight Great Reading and Writing iPad Apps


iPadForums News Team

ComputerWorld has a really great article today listing eight “highly useful†reading and writing apps for the iPad. With so many reading and writing apps out there, it’s very useful to have someone outline the most effective ones for you so that you don’t have to do all the hard work looking around yourself. You can follow the link below to check out the article, but among the links that author Mitch Wagner lists are Reeder for news and blogs, which has the benefit of syncing with Google Reader, Instapaper Pro for reading longer articles, free e-book app Stanza, Documents to Go Premium, which enables you to create and edit Microsoft Office files on your iPad, and Simplenote for plain text writing. Wagner also reminds us that the good old standard Mobile Safari browser makes for a very good reading tool as well, especially the zoom function, and of course that goes for the iPhone and iPod touch too. Finally, he has another simple but invaluable tip for using your iPad for reading in bed: if you want to stop the text you’re reading rotating when you lie on your side, simply engage the screen lock on the right side of the iPad. Problem solved!

Source: Computer World
I am in pretty much agreement with the article. For me Stanza is becoming my goto reader, and my Documents to Go is working fine....... I still use iBooks/Kindle/Kobo/B&N apps some, but Stanza more that all those combined.....

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