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Elementary question re: iTunes video


iPF Noob
Howdy. I started a rather lengthy download of an iTunes TV show on my iPad last night. I went to bed, and when I woke up, iTunes reported that the download was complete, but I can't seem to find the actual video on my tablet (not in iTunes App or in my "Videos" app... which are the only places I thought to look). D'oh!

Everything about this thing is so intuitive, and I know I'm going to feel like a dork when the secret location is revealed... just the same, I would like to actually watch the show. Thanks for helping the newbie.
When you launch the "Videos" app from the dock (or springboard) you will need to make sure you've selected "TV Shows" tab along the top.

I have MOVIES - TV SHOWS - MUSIC VIDEOS on mine. By default I always land on the Movies tab. Switch to the TV shows tab and you should see it there. Enjoy.
Excellent advice 'Junior' - this is the 'trick' that the iPad has 'up its sleeves'. But, if it's not there (that might be *too* easy) get back in touch and we'll look a little deeper.

Hope you manage to 'find' your show...

Have fun and enjoy your iPad...

Thank you, kindly. I'll check on it when I get home from work (if I can manage to pry it out of my wife's hands).

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