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email application?


iPF Noob
how do you, from within the email application, reply with a photo or PDF
attachment? I know that you can use photos and send a pic that way, and I know that I can use good reader, but I want to know if there is a third party app that will allow you to attach files as an attachment from within the program itself? this can be frustrating especially if you don't know the email address of the person or it isnt saved as a contact.
You can't.
iPad is not a computer.
You go to the photo and there you select to send it via mail.
See other threads here in the forum
how do you, from within the email application, reply with a photo or PDF
attachment? I know that you can use photos and send a pic that way, and I know that I can use good reader, but I want to know if there is a third party app that will allow you to attach files as an attachment from within the program itself? this can be frustrating especially if you don't know the email address of the person or it isnt saved as a contact.

Using GoodReader is the only way that I know. From here you can add any number and variety of attachments. If you need to reply to an incoming email with multiple attachments, then I simply copy and paste the email from the iPad's native Mail app into the message pane in GoodReader, add the attachments and then switch back to Mail to pick up the email addresses from the email that I'm replying to. It's an ugly work around, but it works just fine and, if you're out-and-about with your iPad and you have to reply to an email and add multiple attachments to the reply, it's the only way that I know.

Thank you for answering my question. I really appreciate it, you're a great help guys! I will not insist with this. I'll just try doing it with good reader.

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