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Email attachment

Sugi Usinto

iPF Noob
Hi my name Sugi. I need assistance from anyone who are expert iPad user to solve my problem so far. I want to send attachment more than one via email but I do not know how to do it ? Please assist me and thank you before.

Warm regards,
Sugi Usinto
Hi my name Sugi. I need assistance from anyone who are expert iPad user to solve my problem so far. I want to send attachment more than one via email but I do not know how to do it ? Please assist me and thank you before.

Warm regards,
Sugi Usinto

To do this you need a third party app, such as GoodReader. This app will enable you to add a mixture of attachments to an email sent from the iPad.

It's the 'Swiss Army Knife' for the iPad and it can store files all together and in folders - or however you want them - and can transfer files to and from your PC using either WiFi or USB. From within GoodReader you can open those files in any app that supports that type of file. Having said that, though, when a compatible app does open that file it makes a local copy that it works on, so the original copy in GoodReader is left untouched. If you want to store the modified file in GoodReader you have to transfer it back there by some means.

Have a look at it in the App Store. When you have your files in GoodReader you simply select the ones you want to send and hit 'email' and you're transferred to the iPad's email app and can add recipients etc.

The native way to do it is BEFORE you start the email, this is for sening pictures in email, you can click the Box with arrow symbol and select up to five pictures then you'll see an option that says email. Once selected a email window pops up and add those files, for files go with tim!
Yes - you are right - you can attach more than one photo, but this wouldn't work for, say, documents or other files. For that you'd need to use something like GoodReader.

Why, this info blows my mind! I had no idea you could attach more than one photo natively. Thanks!
Hi my name Sugi. I need assistance from anyone who are expert iPad user to solve my problem so far. I want to send attachment more than one via email but I do not know how to do it ? Please assist me and thank you before.

Warm regards,
Sugi Usinto

To do this you need a third party app, such as GoodReader. This app will enable you to add a mixture of attachments to an email sent from the iPad.

It's the 'Swiss Army Knife' for the iPad and it can store files all together and in folders - or however you want them - and can transfer files to and from your PC using either WiFi or USB. From within GoodReader you can open those files in any app that supports that type of file. Having said that, though, when a compatible app does open that file it makes a local copy that it works on, so the original copy in GoodReader is left untouched. If you want to store the modified file in GoodReader you have to transfer it back there by some means.

Have a look at it in the App Store. When you have your files in GoodReader you simply select the ones you want to send and hit 'email' and you're transferred to the iPad's email app and can add recipients etc.


Thank you my friend for your suggestion, I will try to download GoodReader from AppStore and will try to learn how to use those program.

Thank's and regards,
Sugi Usinto
Easy solution for adding email attachment!!!

Go to AppStore and buy "Print & Share" app, then pay extra for their in-app feature "email capability". You can then add all the attachments you want from any file storage location to your new, reply, and forward email. ;)
E-mail attachment

An email attachment is a computer file sent along with an email message. One or more files can be attached to any email message, and be sent along with it to the recipient. This is typically used as a simple method to share documents and images. A paper clip image is the standard image for an attachment in an email client.
How to Send an E-mail Attachment

These instructions will give you the basics of how to send an e-mail attachment no matter what program you have. You might have to adapt the instructions for your program.

Go to your e-mail program.

2 Click the New Mail, Write Message or similar button, depending on your application to create a new e-mail message.

3 Enter the address of the recipient in the To field.

4 Type a subject in the Subject field.

5 Add a message to the body of the e-mail as usual.

6 Click the Attachments button. Many programs have an icon of a paperclip for it. Also look for an Insert File or Insert Attachment option in the File menu.

7 Browse your files to find the attachment you want to send. You may need to click on a Browse or Find button to see your directory.

8 Click on the filename. If your program allows you to attach more than one file at once, hold down the Control key (or Shift key on a Mac) as you select another one.

9 Click the Attach Insert or Open button, depending on your e-mail program.

10 To send another file from a different location, click the Attachments but-ton again and repeat the steps.

11 Click the Send button when you're done.


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