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emails missing?


iPF Novice
Dec 27, 2012
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can anyone help here please? I have my email account ( btinternet) synced to ipad from my pc. generally it works fine but occasionally i find there is a message missing for no apparent reason! Its like a private email ( say, from another btinternet.com address) & it shows up on my PC ( running Windows live mail) no problems - not sent to junk or anything.
A friend told me this may be because my email account is a pop3 account & ipads dont like this ?They prefer to use imap, whatever that means? He said I should download outlook from itunes . I did this but & can see no way in the app to sync my email to outlook?
Is there some easy way to get all my emails to show on ipad? ( no big deal at home but handy if I am on holiday!)
To get your emails to Outlook, there's this possibility when you use a browser:
You'll need an Outlook account, in case you haven't one already. Login to Outlook.
Select the Settings icon(1), then choose "Options". The next screen will look like this:

Sorry, German. The translation is written next to the German words, in red.
Select "Import email account". Choose "Other account".

This will be the next page:

Enter your BTInternet email address and password. The account has to be IMAP capable to get imported to Outlook. This will be checked when you select "Import".

If it works as it should, your emails will be sent to the Outlook account, where you can see/read them.

Gmail has something similar, btw. So if it doesn't work with Outlook, try using Gmail instead.

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