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Empty trash in emails section


iPF Novice
Do we need to empty the trash can in our emails, I have been receiving a message when I go to delete an email it says email was unable to send to trash, or something like that, wondered if the trash was full., if so how do I empty it , I have tried to find a way but can't find anything to let me.....anyone know how
clermont said:
Do we need to empty the trash can in our emails, I have been receiving a message when I go to delete an email it says email was unable to send to trash, or something like that, wondered if the trash was full., if so how do I empty it , I have tried to find a way but can't find anything to let me.....anyone know how

You must get a lot of email. The easiest way to empty trash is going to the mail app, with iPad in landscape, the list of email is on the left side press mailbox, upper left corner. You should get a list of folders. Press trash. Your trashed emails should appear. On the top bar of this list, you will see edit. Press edit. On the bottom of the list you will see in red delete all. Or you can go the scenic route and press the circle by each email.

Caution, once deleted, gone forever from the iPad.
Is there any way to empty the email trash other than opening the trash folder and painstakingly marking every one to delete?

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MattIM said:
You must get a lot of email. The easiest way to empty trash is going to the mail app, with iPad in landscape, the list of email is on the left side press mailbox, upper left corner. You should get a list of folders. Press trash. Your trashed emails should appear. On the top bar of this list, you will see edit. Press edit. On the bottom of the list you will see in red delete all. Or you can go the scenic route and press the circle by each email.

Caution, once deleted, gone forever from the iPad.

Sorry no not there...I went to the mail app which is at the bottom of the iPad screen, clicked mailboxes all it shows is the yahoo & bigpond emails that I have received.,etc...up at the top on the right of the screen is a trash can, but when I click on it it asks if I want to delete the message in the emails, doesnt show a way to empty the trash can itself.....and yes I get a lot of emails. Sometimes 2 to 3 hundred a day....

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